Be The Man That I Should Be…Stormwind Here I Come

July 8th

Dear Journal,

I don’t know why it is that I am the way that I am or it could be that maybe Elune had a plan for me in the future that I haven’t discovered yet.  I know that I get a lot of the family disapproval due to the fact that I just can’t seem to stay out of trouble.  My Grandmother is the only that seems to understand and she says that it is in my nature to be way that I am.  My Mother blames it on my being raised like a little heathen in Shattrath for a while before the whole family moved to Dalaran and we discovered that my half brother, Vashlan, is a mage.

I don’t know if it is a shock or a shame that that happened to the poor fellow because it definitely does make him decidedly different from biological brother and I.  Well, we won’t even bring up the fact that Vashlan is a half-breed either. From what people have told me is that this particular thing is a throwback to the days of the High Elves, which were driven out by our people.  Now my Mother has three sons that she can be proud of, Kaldor, the magnificent ex-Sentinel Scout, Vashlan, the almost great mage , Karing, the hunter that seems to do things naturally and there is me.  I don’t think that she is very happy with me at the moment and there isn’t much I can do to appease her anger at this point.

I’m exactly a career criminal, however, there are things that I have done that I got caught at, however, there are so many more that I didn’t get caught doing.  I know that my family has had to bail me out of jail a few times in my young life, however, I try not to get caught most of the time.

I think that it is the allure of something just laying there unattended, all shiny , and showing its value all too well that I can’t resist or something.  Most of the time it is fact that someone has told me not to take stuff and I can’t seem to help myself sometimes.  It’s like telling me “no” about something and I just have to go out of my way to do it.   Yes, I am plying my trade as a pickpocket and I must admit that it is the easiest money that I have ever gotten.  People prance around with these fat pouches like they don’t have a care in the world, and I just lighten their burdens for them, it’s actually rather easy.

Mom is planning on taking me to Stormwind for a while and I am looking forward to it quite a bit because it is such a target rich environment.  She wants me to work in the warehouse and learn the trade and learn how to be a merchant of sorts.  Well, I’ll go along with it to some degree to keep her happy and when I have my free time, I’ll do what I want to do and enjoy the most. My Step-Father says it’s the adrenalin rush that I am addicted too – he should know, being a Sindorei and having been addicted to his own kind of magic over the years.

He’s a nice enough sort, however, he will never really replace my Father.  There was a decent man, hunter by trade and one fellow that never really got into being associated with the Sentinels as a Scout.  He met my Mom when she was living in Shattrath alone with Vashlan and Kal while the Sindorei was off doing his thing out in the rest of the world.  Yeah, I know, my Mom was nothing more than his whore even if they did dress it up as her being a mistress of a wealthy man.  It was kind of embarrassing for me. It’s a shame that my real Father was killed in a hunting accident, however, I have learned to accept and respect my Stepfather- he is kind and generous with his money even if he isn’t as generous with his time as a Father.  I know that my Mother loves him dearly and that he is going to be the Father figure of the household forever unless something unforeseen happens.  You may never know about the future because accidents do happen, even to a man as power as he is.

I’ve been living with my Grandparents a lot in Dolonaar while my Mother has gone off and done her thing.  Now that she is running a business in Stormwind, she wants me to come there too.  If the truth were to be known, my Grandparents probably need a break from me because I know that my mischief hasn’t been easy for them to handle.  I know they have sent me to school, sent me to temple and lastly they are going to send me off with my Mother because they act like I am broken or something and need to be fixed to fit in with the rest of them.

I am what I am, I’m a rogue, a thief, a creature of the shadows and there isn’t anything that anyone can do to change that.  It’s like asking Vashlan not to be a mage – it’s in his makeup, just as being a rogue is in my nature, I can’t change, I don’t want to change – I like the rush and the challenges that I make for myself.  Maybe while I am in Stormwind, I can make the proper connections there and become the man that I should be.

Volardan Shadowmoon.