OOC – So Many Tasks and Not Enough Time

October 31, 2018


Been rather busy of late with RL stuff but that’s how it goes sometimes.   I know that physically I have had a few bad days, however, that’s also to be expected especially at this time of year when the weather is constantly going from roasting your bum to freezing it off. Yep, Fall is not an easy time in the Rockies.

I’ve spent quite a bit of time reading of late and have been extremely happy with my purchase of a Kindle. Easy to read anywhere and it fits in my purse very easily. I’ve wanted one for several years, however, I have quite an extensive library of hardback books with bookshelves taking up a large part of my loft. Oh well, I still read those too and will continue to enjoy myself. I know that I have read over 20 books since I made the purchase and it really is very relaxing when you don’t feel like jumping around in a video game.

I haven’t played much the last couple of weeks because I’m still making up my mind as to how I feel about the current expansion in World of Warcraft. I can’t recall seeing as many complaints about the game before now and some of them seem to have a bit of validity. I will admit that I have purchased the game for all my accounts and had planned on playing quite a bit more than I have in the last few months. I know that I will keep playing regardless if it is good or not because I still enjoy playing and I still enjoy interacting with people. I know that sounds kind of lame with the way that I have been playing lately. I know that it is hard to just think about walking away for a while, so, mini-breaks can’t hurt too much. I don’t mind running behind the crowd either because I keep hoping that the “bugs” will get squashed before I get there.

I’m turning into quite the casual player of games lately and I don’t really mind it because I don’t like the idea of being forced into doing something that isn’t real fun for me. Most of the time, if I am in the mood to play at all, it will be World of Warcraft because I have been in that game for longer than some people have been born. I know, it’s an addictive game but I’d much rather have that addiction than something else.   Still bopping along in Destiny 2 and having a giggle fest with Call of Duty – hey, I know my reactions are bad when I go “oh crap!” and I’m already dead. It’s fun anyway – good thing I’m not trying to compete with some people that want to be the best of everything.

Oh well, I suppose I should get ready for Halloween – I just won’t comb my hair and put my teeth in – that should scare the socks off the little blighters that coming ringing the bell.


See you in Azeroth



Time For Healing

October 22nd

Dear Journal,

It has been a very long time since I have had the opportunity to write down anything. With everything going on the way that it has – the loss of my home in Teldrassil is one that I shan’t ever forget or forgive.

Never again will I see my little ones playing around my parent’s little cottage and never again will I be able to walk the beautiful halls of the Temple in Darnassus. So many things that have helped create the person that I have become are now gone forever.

At least I was one of the lucky ones that was forewarned by my beloved Sindorei and I was able to get most of my family away from the dangers and to our home in Nagrand. My heart still breaks at the thoughts of so many of our people that were killed with this disaster. So many lives were lost that were needless all because of one woman’s hatred for our people. Another insane Warchief that leads the Horde on her mission of killing anything and everything that stands in her way – even her own people.

I know that the pain that my poor mate endured will take a long time to heal as will my own. Those emotional scars are far worse than a physical injury sometimes. However, we’ve reconciled ourselves to the fact that we will be spending time with our family in Nagrand and Shattrath – all our lives have been torn asunder and have been pieced back together again. We have shared our grief together and have started our healing process – now, we must guard and guide our children through this latest upheaval.

We are trying to make sure that my parents are settling into their new little home in Nagrand as well as keeping them sheltered from things that might upset them about the latest conflict between the factions. I know that they have often wondered why I chose the man that I did, however, they have accepted my choice and have come to love him as one their own even with the differences that he has. I know that we could all be considered traitors to both the Horde and the Alliance, however, one thing that we will never betray is our love of our families.

Our estate in Nagrand is starting to look more like a little village than anything else these days, however, all the people that are living there now are friends and family.   We’ve sheltered many people over the years and we will continue to carry on that tradition – no faction can break the bonds that we have developed with these people – their children have grown up with our own and we consider them all to be an extended part of our family as well.

I did take my Sentinels to the Under City and we did take part in the battle there. It was just amazing how we all fought with such bravery, anger, ferocity and, in some cases, unbridled hatred. I know how our poor King must have felt when Sylvannas snatched the victory from our grasp like a cruel bully snatches a treat away from a child.   I think more of the shock and the horror that I felt when I saw the Horde troops being sacrificed by their Leader *spits off to the side of the desk* as if they meant nothing.

Anduin may never be the same King as his father was, however, I feel that he will lead as he feels is the best for all his people. I don’t think that we will see him sacrifice his people the way that the Dark Lady has shown that she is willing to do. Oh, Elune, how have we all come to this level on Azeroth?

Amynlarae Shadowmoon



Family and Future

October 11th

Yo Book!!

Here I am again and can’t say that I am not happy as can be either. Sitting here at the farm in Pandaria with my family. Just kind of sitting here, wrapped in a blanket after spending a very passionate night with Romy. Two kids and we can still start fires with the way our bodies are so in tune with one another. I can’t begin to tell you how I feel right now, if dying and where I am is heaven, I think I’ll just stay here. I don’t usually let my emotions run rampant, however, they have since I came home to the farm and have felt the warmth, the joy and the love that is with my family.

Oh yes, I talked with Romy about all the things that have been going on and some of the things that I did or was ordered to do. I know that the whole thing makes her as sad as I – the tears fell freely from my eyes and I know that I just let my emotions run rampant, jagged rasping choking sobs that had been held in for months. I know that I have never been one to show my emotions publicly and the only person that has seen me at my most vulnerable has been my beloved.   To feel her arms wrapped tightly around me as I wept and to hear those soft tender words being spoken were better than any healing potion or drink that I might have taken. I feel like I have had the weight of the World lifted from my shoulders and I can only pray to the Light that I haven’t added my burdens to Romy’s already heavy load.

All those months of searching for here and the children felt like an eternity and I have never felt as lonely, lost and alone as I did then. Finding them was like my life could start again. Our children, our love and most of all, the feelings that we have shared all these years. Oh, my friends were there to help me when I would stumble and fall, however, they weren’t Romy and there wasn’t a woman out there that could replace her place in my heart – some tried, and they were rejected.

Now that I have all the things that I dearly love more than life itself, I’m fearful. I don’t want to lose this moment in time and I don’t want to have to leave them behind – go off to fight some stupid war that will gain me nothing except more heartache and pain. Why won’t the Light just let me stay here in the arms that I love more than life itself and our beautiful children. I’ve already been cheated out of my daughter’s childhood and now, the Warchief wants to cheat me out of my son’s life. No, there has to be a way that I can avoid this.

I don’t know if anyone would be able to understand this whole thing unless they have been through it for themselves, however, I know that I never want to be separated from my family for as long as I was when they were missing. I felt like I was living but dying at the same time. I, also, don’t think that I ever felt like I was complete until Romy came into my life – after we had the children, my heart felt as if I had achieved all the things that I wanted in this life.

Yes, I’ve talked with a few people and I will honestly say that some of the answers that I got were rather idiotic. Yes, I know that war is dangerous and there is always a price to be paid, however, I don’t want to be the one paying it – I’ve done enough. Hell, I’ve even consider doing a desk job of some type just so that I could be with my family.

Hmm, just glanced over at Romy and she met my eyes with one of her sleepy smiles that always melts my heart and gave me one of her “come hither” looks. I think that I will stop writing here and go back to bed.

Fnar Dawnglory


((This is a song from Journey and Steve Perry that always runs through my mind when I think of Romy and Fnar.))

Open Arms

Lying beside you here in the dark
Feeling your heart beat with mine
Softly you whisper you’re so sincere
How could our love be so blind
We sailed on together and drifted apart
And here you are by my side

So now I come to you with open arms
Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am with open arms
Hoping you’ll see what you’re love means to me
Open arms

Living without you living alone
This empty house is so cold
Wanting to hold you wanting you near
How much I’ve wanted you home
But now that you’ve come back
Turned night into day
I need you to stay

So now I come to you with open arms
Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am with open arms
Hoping you’ll see what you’re love means to me
Open arms

Peace & Harmony

October 1st

Dear journal,

I thought for a time that my heart would break with all the things that I have seen and done since this new conflict has erupted across our lands of Azeroth.  My heart grows weary, not only with age, but with the vehemence that this new calamity has visited upon our World.  Who knew that something of this nature could ever happen to us all?  Who knew or could glean from the Aspects that this would one day come to pass without warning?

So many questions have I asked and so many questions that are still unanswered.  I can’t believe that none of the learned peoples of this world could allow this to happen.  We were joined with a united front to defeat the demons on the Broken Shore and yet, we supposedly thwarted the attacks and came away victorious – only to have it all be struck down by one monstrous blow to our world.

Now it has all dwindled back down to nothing more than avarice and greed for a power that is totally limitless in its destruction of our lives as we know it.  Yes, I have seen enough of wars and battles to last me through several lifetimes and it seems to be a never-ending cycle of hatred that has no true balance to end it all.

I look back on my own life and see that it has been one struggle after another that has left me feeling cynical and filled with guilt at the things that I had no control over.  I’ve seen my youth destroyed quickly as we fought against the Alliance in Kalimdor to fulfill the needs of the Horde and I’ve lived through Warchief that have gone from strong leadership to out and out insanity.  The current leadership brings nothing to the Horde as a whole, just death and destruction without a future thought to what is to become of us if this war cycle ever ends.  Can no one see the rationale that this world is big enough for all it’s people, not just the Horde, not just the Alliance and why must there be an air of having complete control over the people that are striving to live their lives in some manner of normalcy.

I find myself waxing philosophically tonight as I sit here in my quarters, alone and feeling the weight of my age more than I normally would.  Yes, I’m getting up there in age even for one of the long-lived races, however, I think my soul is just getting weary of the turmoil and the constant upheaval that we have been thrown into for all these centuries.   I have been a soldier most of my life and have fought many battles and have led many men and women into battles against impossible odds and have brought the majority of them back from the brink of disaster, yet, I do begin to feel that it may have all been for naught when it is repeated over and over again.

All I ever have wanted is to find a place for my family where we could live in peace and not worry about the political strife that seems to permeate the very air that we breathe.  Yes, my wife is not of an acceptable race by the current policies of the Horde, however, she is very acceptable in my heart as are our children that we have raised.

We knew things would be difficult for us all the days of our lives and for our children.  We held out hope that things would change after thwarting the Legion. To say that we were wrong in our foolish ideals is s true misnomer because we felt that the people of Azeroth had finally seen the Light and had grown enough as a civilized group that we would finally glean the peace that we all desired.

Now, with our world wounded and the strong possibility that none of us will survive the calamity, we’re squabbling like children over things that surely will not matter.  Wealth, greed, power, these are not the things that we were taught to worship as children – that is something that has taken a hold on all of us at some point.  I wish there was some cleric that could explain this to me – our world as we know it may be dying and yet, there is this stupid struggle for power and control.  Should we not be more concerned about curing the ailment of our world so that we can continue our lives with some reasonable harmony?

October 7th

Oh my, I knew that imbibing in brandy when I was in one of my more depressed moods could prove to be a long-winded affair and I was correct in that assumption. Ah well, sometimes I can find solutions to things just by writing them down and hope for the best.

I know that there are times that I really need to muddle through my mind and writing in a journal is one way that I can do it without adding my problems to someone else’s plate.  I know that there are healers and the like that would listen, however, I’m not sure if they could help me with some of the issues that I have to deal with.

At least I have been able to spend some time with my family in Nagrand and we’re all feeling a bit drained and bit undone with all the things that have gone, however, I do believe that we are going to survive it.  If we keep our emotions in check and accept one another for whom we are – all will be okay within the family unit.

Fnor Morningstar