Draenor…Almost A Year…


Written in very cursive script denoting the maturity and education of the author


November 10th

Dear Journal,

I will have to admit that I think that I am getting too old for this kind of duty these days.  Draenor has definitely left me feeling more than a little bit bitter with the way that we seem to be isolated from most of the things that we have taken for granted most of our lives.  Here and now, those things are definitely out of our reach if we don’t have the “special” permission granted to a select few people. I miss the liberties that I have had in the past and the ability to take care of things other than my military service.  Oh well, one can only hope that this will end sometime in the near future.

I can say that I am one of the lucky ones here because my wife is here although the circumstances are a bit odd considering that she is not a member of the Horde, however, not a whole lot of people know a lot about my private life and never have nor will in the future.

My heart truly does go out to Dawnglory, the poor man is just miserable here in Draenor and he is in the same boat as myself – we’ve been given command of garrisons that neither one of us wanted to begin with as well as having our travel restricted.  Dawnglory’s woman was pregnant with their second child when he left and he is really getting concerned that the child will be born before he ever gets to go home again.  At least he seems to be getting his mail from her on a regular basis, however, that’s not the same as being with someone that you love, that is one thing that I am very familiar with.  I still miss my friends and family that aren’t here in Draenor and I truly miss the comforts of my home.

I know that I haven’t been the best commander in Draenor because it’s not something that I am accustomed too.  I have always commanded Rangers and I know the criteria for that, however, managing and implementing things for an entire garrison has been more of a headache than even I thought it could be.  I have my own business and I think that I can handle that a whole lot better than I can my garrison because I can delegate things to my employees and know that they will get the tasks done, however, with this garrison detail – I have to constantly be present and constantly checking to make sure that everything is being done correctly.  It’s more of being a parent to a bunch of unruly children than it is to be leading a compliment of military people.

I can’t believe that we have been in Draenor for the better part of the year and it seems as though it is never-ending some days.  I know that my higher ups are probably wondering why they aren’t getting the monthly request for leave away from my command these days, however, I don’t think that it would behoove me to rock the boat with Amyn already here in Draenor, although I would dearly love to see my children and the rest of my family that are still in Azeroth.

I thought that things were bad enough with being in command of the garrison and now they have added in a shipyard for me to attend too as well.   My knowledge of things nautical is very limited and I have to think that someone made a serious mistake with dumping that responsibility in my lap.  My knowledge of ships and how to do the tactical battles  for them is so limited that each time I send out a ship, my heart is just pounding and I just hope the crews and ships return safely.

I know that I have been going with my patrols into the Tanaan Jungle in the last couple of months and the further we scout into the area, the more concerned that I am.  There is something seriously amiss in that area and reminds me too much of the experiences that we had to deal with in Outland all those years ago.    I know that the stench of Fel magic is very strong in that area and as a Blood Elf, I always feel as if I am stepping back in time when our race was ravaged with the severe addiction that almost did us in.  I have to remind myself constantly that once you’re addicted, you’re always addicted and you have to be aware of the fact or you might fall into that trap again.

I don’t know how some of my people are handling the constant exposure to the magic in Tanaan because I know how it affects me.  Do our commanders realize what they are doing with their troops by bringing us back into contact with such things?  Demons, I don’t think that I have seen as many demons running amuck since I left Outland and it concerns me.  Will these things follow us back to Azeroth when we return, are we going to have to repel another invasions of these horrid things?    I think that I have valid questions and concerns and I have yet to get an answer from those people sitting on their backsides in Orgrimmar.

Oh well, enough of my grumbling and negative thoughts, I need to get up and try to get my mind going in a more positive direction.  I have patrols to send out as well as doing some scouting of my own.  Maybe I will take some time to do some hunting with Pan today and do some fishing – just the two of us like we used to do before we came to Draenor.

Fnor Morningstar