Things I Like To Do…

May 29th

One of the things that some of you may not know about me is the fact that I am quite the altoholic.  I like to play different races, different classes and just have a variety of characters to choose from.  One of the things that I try to do is to at least get the poor things to level 20 so that they aren’t trudging around via foot forever.

One of the things that I also do is that when I am not really feeling well physically, I will oftentimes as not, roll a lowbie and play on them for a while.  I think that I have spent the entire week so far on nothing but new lowbies and just questing the daylights out of them.  This does make for a lot of time for immersion in the game as well as hiding out when I’m not feeling well physically or even emotionally.  With some of the medications that I have to take from time to time, it tends to make me more than a little bit spacey – LOL, so, it’s okay if you’re lowbie is not doing so hot – you’re a new player, right?

I rerolled a poor little Forsaken Hunter that I had thought that I wouldn’t like to play any longer, however, after he was gone, I really missed the poor little fellow, so, Nestick has made a comeback from the nether.  No, I didn’t have Blizzard bring him back, I just rerolled him, no BOA gear at all and have had a riot running around on him.  I have quite a few in progress right now – Agatha was really just a figment of my imagination and I decided to bring her to life in-game – I do RP with myself from time to time.

A lot of the starting areas have changed quite a bit since I have been working on newbies.  Well, one of the things that I have discovered is that while I am running without BOA gear on them, the professions and the leveling usually move along at a good clip – all at the same level instead of having to go back and work on that leatherworking or whatever.   I really did enjoy running through the Lady Sylvanas quest lines on my Forsaken as well as getting to hear the Lament via Agatha was indeed a joy.  I have a couple of capped out Forsaken, however, the quest lines have changed so much since they were babies back then.

I’ve also added a couple of Worgen to the pack of the existing group and I think that I am going to enjoy trying them out.  A worgen druid and a worgen warlock – ohhhh, that warlock looks like he is going to be evil – very black wolf and the black robes in the starting area are awesome – I do hope that I can transmog those when he gets out of them.  Yes, I do save all of their starting gear in hopes of using them as transmogs at higher levels.

One of the things that I am going to do for a while is to run without BOA gear on these newbies and see how it all plays out.  So far, I’m very satisfied with the results that I have seen.  Will I ever get all of these characters to level cap – probably not.  I enjoy leveling and I enjoy losing myself in the game for as many hours that I can spare from my RL duties.

Since I tend to play solo most of the time, I can usually take my time and if I do a bit of character hopping during my time online, I think that the people I have on my RealID understand that I like to have variety in my characters.   My poor 90s have been so neglected this week, however, there is plenty of time to get them ready for WoD.

My Life and Times – Agatha’s Journal Part V

May 28th

Dear Journal,

I honestly don’t understand how the poor man can keep coping with things when I know that his heart is breaking with his sister’s latest escapade.  At least we think we know where she is now, which is in Pandaria, the one place that she doesn’t really need to be, however, we all know that she will just be causing problems.

I’ve watched all of the changes in the household since Miss Faendra left, not only this house but the one that her brother gave her to live on her own.  Apparently it wasn’t to her liking and she made this quite clear not only to me but to any of my maids and housekeeper-in-training that were put there to assist her. Fae is and can be a very cruel and self-centered young girl and she has finally done the worst thing that she could have done to her brother.

I knew about the fact that Fnor was trying to make arrangements for a marriage for his sister.  I know what his thinking was on the matter and he was in hopes that she would settle down and do the right thing.  I know that he had been negotiating with several families of lesser nobility than her last pending nuptials, however, with her disappearance that time, it definitely put the word out that she may not be quite the package for a family to take on.  What if she had married someone and took off to chase down poor Dawnglory?  Ah well, that will only be for speculation because her brother has finally washed his hands of that type of thing for her.

Zippie has been gone the better part of the month and poor Fnor is once again realizing that he just doesn’t like to attend to all of the paperwork any more now than he did when we were in Dalaran.  Poor fellow does a good job with things, managing his contracts, the employees and the warehouses in Shattrath as well as Silvermoon, however, he never has been one that liked to be indoors and tied down to a desk.  He is always in his glory when he is out in the field or, sad to say, being with the Rangers – it really is the love of his life as well as something that has kept him young all of these years.  Now he is planning on opening up a new warehouse in Pandaria to handle the goods for the employees that are in that area – some of them can’t come back to Silvermoon for whatever reasons, usually something involving the authorities.

I know that when Zippie does return, he is planning on spending some time with his wife and son in Pandaria, possibly slipping into Stormwind to see his youngest son, Vashlan.  I’ve never seen a man so devoted to his children and that is something that he and I need to discuss.

I know that I have been hiding things from him for a very long time, however, it is now time that I can no longer do that without him finding out.   When we had our affair in Dalaran, I did take some time off from my duties to go home for a few months, leaving a temporary maid in charge that could contact me if she ran into something that she couldn’t handle on her own.  I wonder what happened to her, she was very likeable and capable, however, after I returned to Dalaran, she left to take another position in Silvermoon near her family.

What I am about to write down is something that if it were to fall into the wrong hands could cause a lot of trouble for Fnor and for myself, however, it is something that I feel I need to put in this journal.

When I went home to my family near Fairbreeze Village, I went home to give birth to a child.  Yes, my child and Fnor’s.  I never told him that I was pregnant because I didn’t want him to feel that he was trapped in our relationship and we weren’t planning a future together as a couple, we were lovers. Not only did I work for the man, I was his friend and his confidant in a lot of his business and in his personal life.

None of my siblings realized that I was with child, however, my Mother knew the first time that she laid eyes on me.  Of course, she had plenty of experience with pregnancy since she had given birth to my siblings and myself.   She made all of the arrangements for me to go to a little cottage on the shore when I started to show, telling the rest of my family that I was exhausted and needed some time to rest and relax from all of my endeavors in Dalaran.  She was the one that made arrangements for a midwife to be close at hand for when the time was right.  Yes, I paid for all of this out of my own funds.

Before my Mother joined me at the cottage, she let my Father and my other siblings think that she was the one pregnant.  Of course, Dad was thrilled at the thought of adding another baby to the brood that they were already raising, however, he was probably more surprised than the rest of the family and very proud of his prowess in the bedroom.  Poor fellow never stopped to realize that Mom was a bit long in the tooth to be having a baby.

The time came, the child was born without much trouble at all, which came as a huge surprise to me.  She was the most beautiful baby that I had ever seen and the weeks that followed were filled with joy for me.  I named her Adamia because it was an old family name and because I thought it was a good choice for my poor bastard child.  Mother and I had agreed that she would pass the child off as her own and it broke my heart in so many ways when I had to take on the role of the older sister, not even letting my daughter know the truth.

Naturally, the years have passed and Adamia has taken after her parents.  She is very strong willed and adventurous, just as I am sure Fnor and I both were growing up.  What is definitely surprising is how much she looks like her Father, the long black hair is as heavy as his and she has his smile  – her eyes twinkle just the way his do when he’s enjoying himself.   She has never suspected that she wasn’t my Mother’s daughter.  I have paid for her rearing, her schooling as well as lavished gifts on her at every opportunity.  Well, now the crux of the matter is that she is now coming of age, she wants to strike out on her own and she wants to come stay with her big sister in Silvermoon.

Now, you can see my dilemma.  I am sure that her Father will recognize the family traits as well as recognize the fact that I won’t be able to hide her identity forever – my parents are getting old and my siblings are starting to suspect that Adamia is definitely more than just a favorite of mine.  I am going to have to give this some more thought, do I tell Fnor the truth or try to live with the lie a bit longer?

Agatha Fairsong



This Ain’t So Bad…

May 26th

Dear Journal,
Oh, I used to keep one of these things a long time ago and thought I would start another one just for the heck of it.  You know,  a place to keep your thoughts and sometimes it helps with your memories if you happen to have any – I don’t have any real past memories that I can recall.

The one thing I can remember is getting radiated in my home and being “cleansed” if you can call it that before getting evacuated to the service.  I have no idea if my family was with me or not because I just can’t remember.  Some of what I remember about the radiation and stuff is from what other gnomes, that will talk with me, have told me about it.  It must have been horrible and the survivors have taken a vow to go back and take their home back again.  Well, if they do, I’ll go with them although I don’t know that they will appreciate it.  I mean it isn’t every day that you have a gnome Death Knight running around with a bunch of other gnomes.

I guess that I should start out by saying that my name is Jonathan Rivertic – my friends call me River most of the time when they aren’t calling me other things.  So far, I think that my life has sucked – I mean really sucked big time.  Where or whom else would have got poisoned with radiation, lived through that stuff and then, on their way to, I assume, to Iron Forge, they get waylaid or something like that and get turned into a Death Knight.  That really sucks!  Really has put a crimp in whatever plans I might have had, however, I do remember how to mine and I do remember how to be an engineer – so, I think I can still make a living at it if people don’t mind working with a dead gnome.  If they do, to heck with them, I’ll put my wares in the auction house and let the money start rolling in.

At least I have a few other gnomes that let me hang around with them.  It is a bit awkward at times, I’ll admit, however, they try to treat me like the rest of them.  Of course, it sure has curtailed anything in the way of romantic interests so far, although, I’m sure that might change in the future.  I wonder if I ever got past a kiss when I was alive – I don’t remember.  Oh the horror!!  Get radiated, get turned into a Death Knight and might have died a virgin to top it all off – I don’t think there is a way to tell on dudes.

Well I guess life was a rollicking good time of killing people and everything that came into my path before the Chapel debacle and the Lich King set us free.  Big deal, he set us free in the middle of the Plague Lands – not my choice for a vacation spot, I’ll tell ya.  Some of the tall guys, Night Elves, Humans and a couple of Worgen decided that they were going to head to Stormwind and swear their allegiance to the King – I thought I might as well go along with the whole thing too.  I wasn’t planning on staying where I was left there, I’ll tell you that.  Ugly just wouldn’t describe that area appropriately.  I think that the Lich had a bit of a sense of humor too, the blasted Scourge.  Of course, my mount is my size – yep, here I am galloping along for all I’m worth and getting left in the dust most of the time too – my mount is about the size of one of those toy ponies that they have at the Faire.  See!! He had a sick sense of humor.

Anyway, the welcoming committee that met us as we came through the gates was anything but welcoming.  Luckily, the tall guys took the real bashing because I was smart enough to get my mount in between two Night Elves Death Knights – they do make great shelters.  We finally made it to the King, covered in who knows what kind of garbage people were throwing and made our pledge to the Alliance. Even after we had taken our vow, people were more than a little standoffish because none of us smelled real good with all of that garbage.  I’m surprised that the King didn’t throw-up or something when he was meeting with our group – man must have a stomach like cast iron.

We all tried to stay together as much as possible, however, some of the fellows wanted to go back to their homelands to see if they could find their families if they remembered they had any.  That left me pretty much on my own in Stormwind. Luckily I wear plate armor because these people do not look out for the vertically challenged at all – I think I got stepped on more times than I can count just trying to make my way to the Inn in the Trade area.  That was the only Inn that I was told that would taken in my kind – meaning gnomes or Death Knights.  I think they meant Death Knights.

Finally got to the Inn, had a few gold in my belt that I could pay for a room and a bath.  The Innkeeper just looked at me and I know that she was doing everything that she could not to burst out laughing because it isn’t everyday that you see a gnome Death Knight.  Anyway, she said that she could make up a bed for me, a crib, that no one was using for their toddlers.  I just rolled my eyes and forked over my money and told her that was okay.  I’ll admit that it isn’t all that uncomfortable, I just have to remember to leave the sidebar down and have a step stool handy to jump on the mattress without hurting myself.

Naturally, I got sent to Outland – I think that’s where they send all of the Death Knights to weed out the weak ones without feeling guilty about it. I also learned how to cook some, to fish, do my own first aid since we don’t get the freebies anymore and I think that life is pretty good considering.   I think that I am just going to do what I’m ordered for right now, although it does look like the mining is going to be the way to go and it seems someone is always wanting a gadget fixed or made for them.  Yep, I think I made the right choice in coming to Stormwind.

Of course, I still have my gnomies to hang out with and we do have some fun.  At least I’ve learned how to laugh without sounding like I am standing in an echo chamber.  Life or, in my case, Unlife is good for River.  If I kind of keep my eyes half-closed, most people don’t even notice I’m Death Knight unless I say something more than just stupid.

Well, it’s my day off and I still have some laundry to do.  Yep, bought some clothes so I don’t have to walk around in my armor all of the time.  Found a place called the Blue Recluse that seems okay with taking my coin if I care to have a drink or two.  Yep, might head over there later – being short has an advantage too, people, women especially like to lean down to talk to me – yep, get the full on frontal view of things.  Might wing my way to Iron Forge too, who knows what kind of mischief I might get into up there?

Jonathan “River” Rivertic


Learning To Care…

May 24th

Dear Journal,

After returning from one of our many trips out into the Jade Forest with some of the newer and I might also mention untrained recruits that have come our way to introduce to the perils of Pandaria, I thought that I saw Felaran’s sister amongst the group that I was traveling with – however, there are quite a few redheads, this one stood out because she was too busy pouting about the filth and the uncouth way that the Rangers she was with were conducting themselves.  Sure did sound like her, all haughty and full of angst.  I honestly don’t think that I will mention it to Fel just yet, I’ll wait to see what happens in the next few days because I am sure that I will be getting assigned to them again – why me, well, my temperament is such that I am considered a bit easy going for a Death Knight.  Fel’s temper seems to flare with some of the new people and I guess that it’s best that I take on the duty rather than have her going on after we go home about how stupid some of these people can be.

I guess Fel is still disappointed as I am about the fact that even if we wanted to get married, the authorities in Silvermoon have turned down our applications because we’re “dead” and unable to reproduce an heir to our family name.  Well, hello, we just wanted a piece of paper that would tell the world that we’re together, not that we were going to be going at it like bunnies to make babies – we do go at it quite a bit because we can, however, we’re just as happy with raising FuzzButt as our child, even if he is a cat.  We may be part of the unliving of this world, however, that doesn’t mean that we have no feelings for one another and would have liked to formalize it in some way.   I honestly think that if we had more gold between us, some coins could have crossed hands and we would have that piece of paper now, however, Fel’s temper got the best of her and I don’t think that a Magister has been called as many names in such a short amount of time either – poor fellow was turning various shades of red that almost went to purple a few times.   Maybe we can try again in a few weeks after the tempers have cooled down a little bit more and maybe I’ll suggest that I do the talking this time.

I made our wedding rings – very intricate jade pieces with the runes of our blades carved delicately into each one – hers on mine and mine on hers – we thought that it would make for some interesting topics of conversation as well as showing that we’re not ashamed of what we are either.  Death Knights are indeed a special breed and we know it – there is no harm in taking pride in it any longer, it wasn’t a choice that we willingly made anyway.

Oh, I do wish that some of the living could share some of the feelings that we have sometimes.  There is nothing more fulfilling or as loving with Death Knights to be in a battle, shoulder to shoulder, our Rune Blades singing in harmony as we cut down our foes – the feelings that we both get from that is more akin to what some of the living have to wait for some very intimate and intense moments  – we take joy in our work like no other sentient being can or ever will have the ability to do so.  When that Blades hunger to be fed and that appetite is quenched, there is nothing more gratifying to the two of us – we gain that feeling of peace and we also gain a lot more between the two of us.  I wish that I had the words to explain how it feels because until Fel and I started working together, I never felt that before.  It is akin to having sex and not at the same time.

I suppose some would find it odd that Death Knights are capable of loving – we are.  It’s not the same as it would be with the living, however, there are times that I wonder if it isn’t more intense in a lot of ways.  I know that Fel has taught me so much about being “alive” again than I would have ever found out about on my own  – I tended to stay to myself to avoid the stigma that some of my brethren have brought upon us through no fault of their own.  To say that she has taught me how to “live” again is just something that has happened – I now have emotions that I thought were lost to me, they make me feel more alive and more in touch with the living than I have had since the day I became aware of the killing machine that I have become.

Yes, I get a lot of teasing from people about my cat, FuzzButt, and that’s okay.  He’s taught me how to be more gentle and caring with the smaller things in life.  I learned how to make him purr and I have learned how to play again.  I’m not sure that I knew much about playing when I was alive, however, playing with this little cat has taught me how to be gentle again, which I am sure that Felaran probably appreciates.

I still have thoughts flash through my mind of my past life – some of the evil that I had done – I also catch glimpses of what might have been my family in my past life.  I keep seeing an older couple in my thoughts that might have been my parents, I’m not sure.   Maybe the Lich King’s minions did the right thing in wiping our memories, however, I wonder how much of that was to make us more capable of killing everything in our paths while we were under his control and not feel the guilt that most of humanity would have felt, I don’t know.   I don’t think that I will ever understand all of the reasoning behind it.   There are times that I find myself rather envious of Felaran’s memories and her ability to have a family surrounding here while I have nothing to cling too of my past life.  Luckily, I suppose, she gives me the stability that I had been missing as well as erasing that loneliness that I had endured for so many years before I met her.   She has taught me what it means to love and care about someone again – this I will always be thankful for.

One of the things that I have started doing since we bought our farm is to produce more of the jewelry that people seem to like.  Rings, necklaces and some very delicate pieces that can only be described as home decorations.  I can take real joy and pride in my work as I see them getting sold almost as soon as I finish them.  Felaran always laughs and chuckles at me when she sees me with my face buried in my work, the delicate pieces keep my mind occupied with the way that they seem to almost tell me how to cut the stones or wrought the gold to embellish them.   At least at the farm, I have my own space for my workbench and Fel likes to come over and look at some of the pieces – she actually helped me design our wedding rings.  Oh yes, hers was definitely the harder of the two to make because it is so tiny, however, it is beautiful  – yes, we are going to wear them even if Silvermoon doesn’t recognize the fact that we’re man and wife, we do.

Oh yes, I did ask her brother for her hand in marriage and he gave his permission although I will have to admit that his facial expression gave away his feelings.  I suppose he never  thought that Death Knights could care for one another, however, we can and do.  That poor fellow has his own crosses to bear with his relationships too – his wife in another faction, his sons being raised in a different kind of race and will never be able to grace his home with their presence in Silvermoon unless they sneak in.  Love has its own way of torturing our souls, if we truly have them, and making us do the things that we do.  Even Death Knights know what it is to suffer the loss of friends.  Ah well, I wax nostalgic here and it’s just wasting time that I need to be spending on some work that I have been commissioned to do.

A crown?  Not a tiara, mind you, a crown that symbolizing some kind of royalty.  Ah well, if it’s a crown that this woman wants, it will be a crown that she will get, however, she is going to have to be forthcoming with some gold before I can truly start the heavy work on it.  That means another meeting in Silvermoon and another discussion of what she requires.  She actually makes me feel uneasy when we are talking, there is just an air around her that makes me feel that she isn’t what she presents to the public eye.

Some of the runes that she wants in her design make me feel extremely uncomfortable because it’s not something that I would think that a mage would have knowledge of.  No, I haven’t discussed this with Felaran although she is aware of the commission and the money forthcoming, however, she might be a bit put off with the way that this woman acts when she’s around me.  A few passes, a few hints and some blatant winks – no, I’m not interested in this living woman and I need to find a more diplomatic way in trying to make her understand that.

Ah well, time to head back to the Jade Forest and try to get some of the recruits to understand that they don’t have to kill everything in the forest all at once – or to lead them back to me to kill for them, that’s not my job.

Ty Ravencrest




Living in Pandaria

May 23rd


Dear Journal,

While I am aware that I only write in this book to keep my memories fresh it always a great help when you get to be my age to have them recorded somewhere.  Ah yes, with age, your mind has become somewhat cluttered with all things past and present – this will help me keep things sorted out a little bit for my own personal reasons.  I know that I have long since forgotten some of the things that happened to me as young girl, however, occasionally, I do get a glimmer of those things that once were.

While I may not be staying in Thunderbluff as much as I once was, that doesn’t mean that I don’t long for the companionship of my old friends there which causes me some sadness.  I have started going back home to see my friends and to visit with my youngest son, Tahfal.  Poor thing is working himself into a frenzy with his studies – being a Light Walker is no easy task and requires a lot of study, dedication and sometimes a great deal of loneliness.    I always thank the Earth Mother that he is my youngest son and one that looks very much like his sire.  He has always been a gentle soul, a bit spoiled because he was just a baby when my husband I went on our fateful trip that changed all of our lives.  Now, he’s a young man coming into his own, albeit, not the way that I had envisioned, however, it is his life to do with as he wishes – that has been the way of our clan for generations.

Nahai and I really did go ahead and pooled our resources and bought the farm next door to Naton and Mahamura.  We’re still staying with them until we can get the proper repairs done on the house.  I know that the land was really what we purchased, however, one would think that the price might have been lowered due to the fact that we can’t live in the house there.  Oh well, we will get it done as soon as possible.  We’re also still helping Maha and Naton with their farm as well as working on our own.

I can only speak for myself with any real assurance of not telling the truth as it is known to me.  I know that I truly love Pandaria – it’s big, it’s open and the living is at a slower pace than it is in Mulgore.  I don’t think that it will ever replace my feelings for my true “home” however, in my sunset years, it does seem to make life easier in this land.   Oh, there are dangers here and there are many areas of the land that I have not ventured into yet.

Nahai and I have both enjoyed the plentiful herbs that are in this area of Pandaria.  In only a few short hours we are able to gather what we would have taken a week or more to gather when we were at home.  I know that both of us take joy in the flying, the freedom that we have to roam wherever we choose.  I, for one, give thanks each day to the Earth Mother that I came to join m children here and for the safety that they seem to have here.

I have met so many people  since I have been in Pandaria.  They all seem to be happy here and even though there are still areas of conflict, the people seem to take joy in just living.  So many young people and there are a lot of us older folks that are slowly filtering in as time goes on.   I know that I have made many friends in the Valley of Four Winds with the Pandaren.  They are a people that just take joy in living and enjoying every moment that they are given.   I am sure that they aren’t  too thrilled with the invasion of all of these folks from the other continents in Azeroth.  I just hope that we don’t destroy more than what we putting into place – the farms, the forests are plentiful with everything that we all need to survive.

True, there are the Orcs that have taken it upon themselves to destroy as they go, as is their custom and history, however, most of us here try to repair the damage before it is too widespread.  I would hate to see Pandaria  get damaged beyond repair.

One of the things that I have noticed is that there seem to be more of the employees of Morningstar Enterprises showing up in the Valley of Four Winds.  Rumor has it that the company is planning on opening up another warehouse in Pandaria so that we don’t have to ship our products to Silvermoon as often.  I know that Maha and Naton are very excited about this too because they hated to take the time away from things here and having to travel to Silvermoon to turn their items in and to get paid.   I wonder if little Zippie will be up here too?  I like that little goblin because she is always so nice to me when I bring my herbs in for weighing and processing.

We may not have to journey to Silvermoon on business very often, however, that isn’t going to stop me from visiting home as much as I can because after spending as many years in Thunderbluff  that will always be my true home.

I have taken it upon myself to visit with Dawnglory and his woman, Romy, so that I can play with their little girl.  She is a bright and very intelligent little thing despite her smallness and being a Blood Elf. Little thing probably has more Tauren baby toys than most of her race, however, I know that Naton and Maha are constantly making her little things.  I am working on a pair of little shoes for her now that will look lovely, a lot of beadwork and embroidery which I am sure that her parents will recognize the meanings of them.   This is the first Elf baby that I have been able to spend as much time with and I will admit that I am enjoying it – if I can’t have grandchildren of my own, this little girl will at least be something that I can cherish.  She may not be able to understand everything that is being said to her, however, she is bright enough to where she knows when people truly love her.  Dawnglory has changed quite a bit from the man that we knew before since he became a Father and I will admit that I think it has made him a much better person for it – one little child has changed a lot of lives just by being born.



Mooma Cloudhoof


This Is Not My Fault…

May 22nd

Dear Journal,

One would have thought that with all of the wealth that the Sindorei seem to have in Silvermoon that the government could give us better living conditions  At least when we went camping at home, we had floor coverings, not just raw dirt to walk on, we had suitable bedding, clean furs and pillows. I know our family tent was larger than the one that I am sharing with these nine other women and there was definitely more privacy.

Since I am considered a raw recruit by the buffoons in Krasarang, and as punishment for not doing what I was told, I got sent with some ne’er do well Rangers to attend to the Hozen problem in the Jade Forest.

Now, Hozen are like jabbering monkeys that you might sometimes see at the Faire, however, these things are filthy.  They like to fling all kinds of things at you from wherever they are hiding – rotten fruit, garbage and some stuff that shall go unmentionable.   I know that I was so tired of getting hit with this junk and we couldn’t take a moment to stop and clean some of it off – the stench was horrid.

I have never heard animals yelling such atrocious things “Ook you in the Dooker!” seemed to be the most common of curses coming from these beasts.  How disgusting that sounds like and the visuals that it brought to my mind made my arrows true to their targets.  No way am I going to have one these beasts take advantage of me like that.   I hope that if we kill enough of them off that they will have respect for the Rangers in the forest and quit with the throwing of this afoul.

All I wanted to do last night was return to our camp in Krasarang, however, it appears as though we’re going to be stuck out here in the jungle for several days.  I even asked our patrol leader if there was a place where we could clean up and get this stuff out of our hair and off our armor.  After he finished laughing at me, he handed me a bucket and told where a stream was near our camp and that I needed to fill the bucket up and bring it back to share with the others to get cleaned up.

I almost retched at how some of my other counterparts reacted to getting cleaned up and how quickly that water in the bucket was fouled beyond belief.  Oh, there’s no latrine either, we have to go away from camp and go into the bushes to relieve ourselves – we never had this problem when I was camping with my family.

I thought seriously about cutting my hair off last night too because I thought that I had gotten it all up under my helm before we started our patrol, apparently, I didn’t do such a good job with that.  Now, I have this monkey stench in my hair and not enough time or water to get it all out.   I think I will be able to live with it for a while, however, if we’re out here for longer than a day or two, I may get one of the other women to cut it off for me, just to get away from the stench.

I don’t think that I have ever seen my brother look like some of the Rangers either.  He was always immaculate, clean shaven and he sure didn’t smell like these people either.  Of course, I’m sure I’ve never seen him come in from the field, as he likes to call it, so, I was totally unprepared for this part of being a Ranger.  I don’t like it at all.   I know that we can’t wear our dress uniforms while we’re on patrol because they would be like a beacon in the night to some of these creatures that we’re fighting here in the jungle, however, I never knew how filthy Rangers could be.  Oh yeah, some of them are pairing up for the nights too – nothing like body heat to keep warm – and then they laugh at me because I had such a shocked look on my face.

No, I didn’t go through the full basic training thing like they had in Silvermoon because I didn’t exactly join the way that some people did.  I didn’t join up until I got to Pandaria and could prove that I could shoot my bow with the best of them.   Had I known that this is how it was going to be, I would have stayed with the mercenaries a little bit longer, I bet I would have already been in Halfhill and I bet I might have had a day off too.   I know that there are a lot of things that I should have done differently when I got here, I just had one goal and that was to find Dawnglory, which I haven’t done yet either.

I always thought that being in the Rangers was going to be a wonderful experience.  They always look so handsome in their uniforms as they stride around Silvermoon.  My brother always looked more than a little bit handsome when he had on his dress uniforms too – now, these fellows here in Pandaria look so much like the mercenaries that I was traveling with and act worse than they did, it’s a shock.  I wanted to look smart and pretty in my armor when I find Dawnglory – he would be very shocked to see me although I am sure that he would think that I looked beautiful in my uniform – it matches my hair beautifully.

It’s not like I can write my brother and ask him to send a letter to the Rangers here in Pandaria to let me out of my commitment  because I am sure that he would say “no” anyway.  I didn’t exactly leave on the best of terms and I am sure that he is still angry with me.  He’s really going to be sorry if I get hurt up here too, it is his fault that I am in this mess anyway.

Faendra Morningstar

Timeless Isle…

Fnor - Final

Went out to the Isle today and spent a couple of hours doing dailies as well as picking up the coins that are so desperately needed for the new upgrades and valor.  Fnor is my Main on the Horde side and his gear isn’t too shabby and he’s running some LFR, just getting started, that is.

It was a time of laughter and tears this morning as he went scampering all over the Isle, killing anything that had any value to it as well as picking up as many coins as he could through his skinning.  Didn’t do too shabby with the coins between the kills and skinning of the beasts that some of the others left behind.   I’m a late bloomer on getting to the Isle so it was like “hey noob!” killed a few rares and debated on the Celestial run and decided against it today.   Considering this is only the third time he’s made the trip out there on a regular basis, it wasn’t too shabby – got some gear for some of the alts at least.

I do wish there was a guide of some kind for the uninformed on how you do some of the things on the Isle because I went wildly careening all over the place, stumbled into a few things that were extremely deadly even with dropping traps and kiting like a mad man.  Since I’m running most of it solo, I’ll take on just about anything a few times before I go off on another rampage. Luckily I did have someone show my Alliance Main, Kaldor, around the Isle a little bit , so, Fnor wasn’t totally in the dark.

It was fun and another place to grind things out for the upgrades and valor.  Fnor has done all of the quests pretty much that can be had in Pandaria and I was looking forward to doing some major rep grinding in old content on him for a while – oh well, Blizzard always throws another bone and hoop out there for us to jump through in Pandaria.  My one plan is to get Fnor up to 60 exalted reps before the xpac drops.  Wish me luck and remember – I do laugh a lot even when others might not think it’s funny, I’m a tad bit twisted.

Learning To Compromise…

May 20th

Dear Journal,

Well, I finally located Kae and we had a nice long discussion and I have to agree with her that I have been extremely selfish about some things.   We’ve been together for quite a while and we have enjoyed that time together for the most part.  I think what has been going on is that I am doing things now that I should have done at a much younger age because I don’t feel like I have any consequences for my actions.  Well, the thing is that I do.

I’m old enough now and free enough that when someone that I care about starts putting out rules for me to follow or this happens – like leaving me – or if I do something that they don’t approve of, they feel they have the right to wreck havoc in my life, I tend to rebel. When I was growing up, my Mother was very strict and when my Father weighed in, I knew that I was in for some serious trouble, however, with Kae – her threat is that she will leave.  I love her, however, you can’t keep me a prisoner to my own emotions either. I did have to remind Kae that I am a grown man, we do have an unspoken commitment to one another and it’s something that we’re going to be working on.

Yes, she did give up being a Sentinel, however, that was her choice and not mine to make for her.   She could have stayed with the group if she had truly felt that way, however, she decided that she didn’t like it without me being there with her.  I was not cut out to be a Sentinel Scout for the rest of my life – I think I have too much pride and independence to fit that mold for very long and it flared up there at the last.  I have a huge respect for some of the Sentinels, however, you have to earn my respect just like anyone else would have to do.

Kae, I respect and will honor some of her wishes, however, I am not going to give up my life to make her happy.  She has a much right to go out and spend time with other people away from me too, I’ve told her that repeatedly and if she chooses not to do so, that’s her problem and I won’t allow it to become mine.

As you can plainly tell, I am still a bit upset about some of conversation and I willingly admit that she had some good points, however, some of them were nonsense.  She wasn’t a clinging vine kind of woman when we were in the group in Krasarang and I can’t see the reason why she is trying to do so now.

My Dad always told that he never had felt like Mom was trying to control him and that’s why they have stayed together for so long, not to mention that they still love one another quite deeply.  I think that my Mom’s thoughts on the issues was probably more on the mark though, she told me that she has learned how to compromise, however, it has to be a two way agreement between the parties involved.  Oh, I know that my parents are not perfect, they have arguments and they have had other issues in the past that they have overcome, however, it seems like for the most part, they seem to be happy.

I will admit that I was worried that she had left me because she was gone for a week before I finally found her in one of our old haunts in the Jade Forest.  Let’s just say that I neglected a lot of things just so I could find her and talk to her.   I can understand how she felt, I made a promise to her about doing certain things and I broke that promise, however, I did remind her that even though I promised, I am not perfect.  Now, I’m busting my behind to get the farm back into shape again, Jogu helped out quite a bit, however, there is just too much for one person to do to keep it looking like it should.

I hope that we can get things worked out, however, this whole thing has started me rethinking making any kind of long term commitment again.  I just can’t put myself through this kind of heartache just because I’ve done something that displeases Kae.   She’s done a few things in the past that have definitely displeased me, however, I didn’t take off and not come back or not let her know where I was.  There we go, there’s the compromise thing, it can’t be just one person doing it – it takes two to make a relationship.

I have spent my whole morning, it’s raining like crazy in Halfhill at the moment, just letting my thoughts hinge on things that may be irrelevant to others, however, sometimes when I write things down on paper, I can get a better grasp on it.  I know that I am going to try to keep this relationship going and do my best to make it work, however, Kae is going to have to change some her things too.  We’ll see what happens.

Kaldor Shadowmoon

What’s Going On Or Not…

May 19th,

Well I usually try to post my OOC posts over the weekend however, this weekend was a tad bit hectic.   Since we got rained and snowed out for Mother’s Day, we did our celebration this past Saturday and I do believe that a good time was had by all.  Now, the next big event will be my birthday which we also celebrated with the family on Saturday as well.  It’s always nice to get together with the family and we always seem to have a good time talking and playing with the little ones.

I really need to apologize to a bunch of people because I haven’t been playing a whole lot during the past few days due to allergies and just not feeling good.  I’m not real thrilled playing a video game when I am half stoned on allergy meds.  My concentration level is probably that of a gnat at this point, however, I do log in until I just can’t deal with stuff and log out.  I’ve learned over the years that if I’m not feeling up to snuff, log out, no matter what might be going on at the time.

I did roll a new character, just for grins.  I’ve always like gnomes, never have leveled one to cap and I may not get this guy there, however, in the meantime, it’s been giggles and grins the whole time.  There was the shortcut that I took this time of rolling a gnome Death Knight.  Decked him out in full BOA gear after leaving the starting area and hit Outland.   His name is Jonathan Rivertic, nickname is River, and he may not make it to 90 but in the meantime, it’s definitely kept me rolling with laughter.   I may or may not boost him in the next month or two but for the time being, it’s just fun to play.   Yes, I have had run running through Stormwind with “Train” going full bore on the emotes before vanishing through the portal to Outland to the more serious business.

One of the things that I have started pointing out to myself on a regular basis is that the game is intended to be “fun” and it’s not all about the competition and getting to be the “best’ at whatever class you want to be.   Having 19 90s at this point, I think I’ve been busy enough and now it’s time to go back and start doing some other things.  Just keeping up with the 90s is almost like a full-time job, however, I am taking the true casual approach.  If I feel like running an instance with a character, I’ll do it, if I don’t feel like it, I won’t.  I do have two mains that will definitely make it to WoD, however, I’m not sure how many others will be able to make the transition and I sure don’t mind playing Old Content.

I’ve also been reading the forums, never a good thing when you’re sure of mental faculties at any time, however, I have noticed the plethora  of posts about “Flying – No Flying” in regard to the new expansion.  I’m definitely pro-flying when it comes to the game, however, if my memory serves me correctly, they always start out with no flying until you cap anyway.  If Blizzard decides to have a “no flying” policy for the duration of WoD in that area, that’s fine.  There is so much else to do in the game that it doesn’t really matter to me.   I love the whole game, however, I am also one of these people that does what they want to do and not necessarily what is dictated.  If I feel pressured or stressed out about something, guess what, I don’t do it at that time, might go back and pick it up later.

I’m looking forward to the changes in WoD, however, I know there will be that killer learning curve at the beginning all over again, just like there always is.  If I find myself not enjoying myself after a month or so, then, I’ll make the decision as to what it is I am going to do.  I’ll probably keep playing and toddling along at my own pace since it doesn’t matter to anyone else other than myself.

Successful Business..Personal Success…Well


Written in very cursive script denoting the maturity and education of the author


May 17th

Dear Journal,

I do seriously like to consider myself a man of peace, however, I am beginning to wonder at my sanity on that point because there doesn’t seem to be anything of that nature in the offing for any of the races.  There is always strife, the peace offerings made, broken, and then, idiocy seems to have taken over my faction of the Horde.  Why, after all of these years, all of our people sacrificing our lives and families to a faction that put loyalty to the front above all else, we look like we have sacrificed our honor to a madman.

I was a bit astounded when I got a letter from one of the other Ambassadors because I felt that my services that had been rendered in the past were for naught.  It appears as though I have been invited to return to Orgrimmar and sit on the council again, I’m not sure what the reasoning behind that is since I have already sworn my allegiance to the Regent Lord.   I am less inclined to rejoin a group of men that already know my feelings about the current Warchief.

When I was a much younger man, I might have jumped at the chance to serve the Horde, however, with age has come a little bit more in the way of wisdom and less patriotic fervor.  I have spent my entire life in the service of the Horde, putting it before my family, my friends and even against my own judgment at times.  In the days of Thrall, there was a certain Code of Honor that was upheld and unwritten rules of conduct, however, with this fool that we currently have sitting in Orgrimmar dictating the policies,  there doesn’t appear to be much in the way of Honor in my opinion.  I’m just curious why they should suddenly think that I would want to rejoin that mayhem?  Okay, I will meet with them and see what they have to say, however, I already know my answer to the whole situation – a resounding “no” because it would be taking a step back instead of progressing forward as I have done in the last year.

Between Amyn and I, we have established Morningstar Enterprises and Shadowmoon Enterprises in the all of the most strategic places and I will have to admit that the profits are almost sinful.  The Shattrath operation is going surprisingly well even with the fact that I have poor Zippie running hither and yon to keep the records straight, I do need to talk to her about getting an assistant for her that will help her with all of this – it always makes me sad to see her walking around with a smile on her face and, yet, her brow is always furrowed in thought.   All work and no play is not good for anyone, however, she has made sure that we’re showing a profit across the board in our accounts.

The operation that we’re starting in Pandaria is still going to be some months out before we can truly get that running smoothly.  The location in the Jade Forest that Amyn and I inspected is going to be perfect although it will require a bit of an expansion in order to accommodate the goods as well as the employees that might want to stay there to avoid the expenses of staying in an Inn or they just want to keep out of sight.  When you’re in my line of business, you will have people of all social standings and races to deal with – some of them may have unsavory reputations in some of the cities or locations, however, if they conduct themselves and do their jobs, I am not going to pry into their pasts all that much.

Mercenaries are a special brand of person that really warrants some watching, however, I keep the pay scale high enough to where the ones that I have working for me are not going to be disloyal unless someone comes along with a higher paycheck.   I often worry that some of them might get it in their minds to do something that would be both detrimental to the company and to myself.  There are rumors of things that have reached my ears that are not pleasing.

In the past and in most areas that I travel in currently, the marriage between Amyn and myself is still definitely frowned upon not only for the social stigma as well as the faction loyalties being called into question.  I know that I don’t worry about it as much as I should anymore because it has been eons since anyone has called that into question.  Yes, I did murder a man in Dalaran for intimating that he was going to “turn” the lot in for the rewards that are still being offered even today.    I worry more about the safety of my sons in Stormwind because you may never know who is a true friend or foe, however, Amyn and the boys have experience enough to keep the heritage hidden as well as they can.

Do I worry about things being any better in Silvermoon?  Yes, I do, however, I have enough money that I can usually wriggle my way out of any kind of political turmoil that might result of the exposure.  I am more concerned about the social fallout from Faendra’s latest escapade, however, that is going to be her problem to deal with, not mine.

At least I had only started making overtures to different families to start the bargaining for a good match for her.  It isn’t like it was the last time where I had to pay out her dowry because she had run away a month before the wedding.  I was embarrassed and completely humiliated by some of the people involved, however, with the proper payments being made, the social ladder wasn’t damaged all that much for the rest of the family.   It would have been a good match for her and it might have straightened her head out a little bit, although, I am beginning to wonder if there is anything that will get her to see the reality of things.

I do feel responsible for the monster that I have unleashed on the world, however, I did the best that I could at raising her in what I thought was the correct fashion.  I had no parenting skills to speak of when I had this child put into my care after my parents were killed.  What is a young Ranger going to do with a baby?   I lived in a tent, I had no way of caring for her when I went out on patrols, so, the foster family track was the one that I chose for her – she was later joined by Dawnglory’s sister, Felessa, which seemed to work out fairly well.  Comparing Faendra and Felessa is like comparing night and day – Felessa has done well with her marriage and giving birth to a son seems to have pleased the parties concerned.  Faendra could have had the same kind of life, however, the wild streak that showed up in her when we left Dalaran really did seem to take a stronger hold her thought processes and actions.   The girl actually kind of scares me because it’s like dealing with two different people when I talk to her.  One minute, she’s sweetness and light, then, she starts behaving like a raging maniac that feels the world owes her everything – most me in that world.

I’ve cried, ranted and raved, prayed to the Light, the Sunwell and even Elune to give me some guidance as to what I can do to make Faendra a better person.  I know that it’s not totally my fault, however, she wouldn’t feel that she’s entitled to everything if I hadn’t spoiled her completely by giving her everything that she ever asked for.   The one thing that I can’t do or wouldn’t do is to marry her off to my best friend – Dawnglory deserves better than that in his life.


Fnor Morningstar