Waxing Nostalgic

Written in very cursive script denoting the maturity and education of the author

July 21st

Dear Journal,

It feels like it has been forever since I have taken the time to sit down long enough to write anything down for myself.  So much paperwork comes with command and it seems like everything needs to be posted out immediately.  Of course, I could take a step down and then I’d probably have double the workload – I do know how to delegate as well as any other Commander and I know that Rangers would much rather be things actively and not be stuck at a desk.  Oh well, I’ll do what I can.

I do thank the powers-to-be that I was able to take some time away from my duties and got to spend some time with my wife.  Oh, I do miss those days when we could slip away without much notice from our comrades.  Times change and we still must live with the prejudices that wax and wane with the political climates that are forever changing.

Oh, to be able to hold Amyn in my arms and smell her scent.  Just to feel her lithe body close to my own is like a welcomed freedom that we have never taken for granted.  Our liaison could have cost us our lives many times in the past and there are times when we have been able to share our family and our lives openly when we were living in Dalaran when it was in Northrend before the Jaina Proudmore incident.  Oh well, those were special days for us – having a home that I had spent years building and furnishing over the years. I still miss that home and the freedom that we had there.  Oh well, we have a beautiful place to live together and to have our family with us when we can arrange it.  We have always been very partial to Shattrath and that lead us to settle our family there when we were younger – being a free open city, we could live together openly.

So many years we have had to slip around like a couple of kids to find our time together – who knows, that may have added the extra spice to our lives although I don’t know that I can handle much more spice.  We have our two sons as well as we hope grandchildren to come our way in the future.  Life can be good; however, the constant strife and battling seems to be a way of life on Azeroth.

At least I know that my wife and children are safe for the moment.  I know that it is never an assured thing with all of us active in this conflict going on.   Amyn keeps an eye out for the boys and tries to make sure that they are okay without becoming a nuisance – she’s a good Mother and has always had her children’s interest to heart.  I do what I can because it would be rather difficult for me to see them all the time because they took after their Mom with their appearances – Kaldorei.  Yeah, it would be hard to explain a Sindorei chatting it up with them if we were ever caught.

I still have a few more days to enjoy being with Amyn here in Outland before I must head back to my duties.  One day I will find the peace that we both crave, and we will be able to live a normal life of some sort and I don’t care if it must be here in Nagrand either.  It has taken us years to get the house the way that we want it and it is as comfortable as the house we had Dalaran before the Purge.

Well, time for me to take off and get some things done – I think I hear Dawnglory talking and I wonder why he is here.

Fnor Morningstar

Peace & Harmony

October 1st

Dear journal,

I thought for a time that my heart would break with all the things that I have seen and done since this new conflict has erupted across our lands of Azeroth.  My heart grows weary, not only with age, but with the vehemence that this new calamity has visited upon our World.  Who knew that something of this nature could ever happen to us all?  Who knew or could glean from the Aspects that this would one day come to pass without warning?

So many questions have I asked and so many questions that are still unanswered.  I can’t believe that none of the learned peoples of this world could allow this to happen.  We were joined with a united front to defeat the demons on the Broken Shore and yet, we supposedly thwarted the attacks and came away victorious – only to have it all be struck down by one monstrous blow to our world.

Now it has all dwindled back down to nothing more than avarice and greed for a power that is totally limitless in its destruction of our lives as we know it.  Yes, I have seen enough of wars and battles to last me through several lifetimes and it seems to be a never-ending cycle of hatred that has no true balance to end it all.

I look back on my own life and see that it has been one struggle after another that has left me feeling cynical and filled with guilt at the things that I had no control over.  I’ve seen my youth destroyed quickly as we fought against the Alliance in Kalimdor to fulfill the needs of the Horde and I’ve lived through Warchief that have gone from strong leadership to out and out insanity.  The current leadership brings nothing to the Horde as a whole, just death and destruction without a future thought to what is to become of us if this war cycle ever ends.  Can no one see the rationale that this world is big enough for all it’s people, not just the Horde, not just the Alliance and why must there be an air of having complete control over the people that are striving to live their lives in some manner of normalcy.

I find myself waxing philosophically tonight as I sit here in my quarters, alone and feeling the weight of my age more than I normally would.  Yes, I’m getting up there in age even for one of the long-lived races, however, I think my soul is just getting weary of the turmoil and the constant upheaval that we have been thrown into for all these centuries.   I have been a soldier most of my life and have fought many battles and have led many men and women into battles against impossible odds and have brought the majority of them back from the brink of disaster, yet, I do begin to feel that it may have all been for naught when it is repeated over and over again.

All I ever have wanted is to find a place for my family where we could live in peace and not worry about the political strife that seems to permeate the very air that we breathe.  Yes, my wife is not of an acceptable race by the current policies of the Horde, however, she is very acceptable in my heart as are our children that we have raised.

We knew things would be difficult for us all the days of our lives and for our children.  We held out hope that things would change after thwarting the Legion. To say that we were wrong in our foolish ideals is s true misnomer because we felt that the people of Azeroth had finally seen the Light and had grown enough as a civilized group that we would finally glean the peace that we all desired.

Now, with our world wounded and the strong possibility that none of us will survive the calamity, we’re squabbling like children over things that surely will not matter.  Wealth, greed, power, these are not the things that we were taught to worship as children – that is something that has taken a hold on all of us at some point.  I wish there was some cleric that could explain this to me – our world as we know it may be dying and yet, there is this stupid struggle for power and control.  Should we not be more concerned about curing the ailment of our world so that we can continue our lives with some reasonable harmony?

October 7th

Oh my, I knew that imbibing in brandy when I was in one of my more depressed moods could prove to be a long-winded affair and I was correct in that assumption. Ah well, sometimes I can find solutions to things just by writing them down and hope for the best.

I know that there are times that I really need to muddle through my mind and writing in a journal is one way that I can do it without adding my problems to someone else’s plate.  I know that there are healers and the like that would listen, however, I’m not sure if they could help me with some of the issues that I have to deal with.

At least I have been able to spend some time with my family in Nagrand and we’re all feeling a bit drained and bit undone with all the things that have gone, however, I do believe that we are going to survive it.  If we keep our emotions in check and accept one another for whom we are – all will be okay within the family unit.

Fnor Morningstar

When Worlds Collide

2018-08-29 (1)

August 29th

Dear Journal,

My heart is heavy and my soul has been sorely damaged with all of the things that have happened in the last few weeks.  So many things and so many people have been lost – for what reason?  Elune has taught me that there are few things that I can do to learn that lesson, however, how many times does Azeroth have to deal with this type of conflict – for what reason?

We have fought demons and we’ve fought the scourge and we’ve fought each other for all time, or so it appears to me.  I met my beloved Sindorei in the middle of a conflict with the Horde and he saved my life.  Oh yes, I hated him at first and once I knew him, I knew that he was no different that I am on the inside.   We were supposed to be enemies and we were supposed to kill one another according to the Leaders and Warchief of the time, however, Elune had other plans for us because we fell in love.

The place that my people called home is no more, burned with the people that were still there.  Civilians and soldiers a like – babes in arms,  ancients living in their winter of their of lives.  Anyone and anything that was not fast enough to make it out of the portals and to safety were lost.   It didn’t matter that some of those people had never taken up arms in their lives and had only existed to live their lives in peace and harmony in the World Tree.  Now, they are gone, burned to ash.

I couldn’t believe what was happening because it all felt like a horrific nightmare that I only wanted to awake from.  No matter how hard I tried to wake up – it was no dream and those visions are burnt forever into my mind.

I know this war is about the azurite and the possibility of what it might do and to save our world, however, no one would have thought that the Banshee Queen would have thought immediately to turn it into a thing of mass destruction.   We have lost cities before in the past – Theramore does come to mind and the loss of life there was unbelievable.   No one was prepared, just as we weren’t prepared for the Cataclysm and losses for my people with Deathwing.  So many lives lost just so that we could start it all over again.  Where are the Gods that we have worshipped and bowed to for all of these centuries – can they not control their children any better than we can control ours?

I know that my beloved was there on Dark Shore and I know that he killed just as I did, however, I know that his heart had to be breaking as sorely as mine was.  Some of these people were friends and, yes, even family.  We were ordered as soldiers to do these things and we did them.  That doesn’t mean that we felt it was right – there was no honor in what either faction did and I know that it is only the beginning.

My family is safe because a certain Sindorei told me to get them to safety weeks before anything happened.  Bless Elune that he was willing to risk his life to let me know what he had heard in the war councils – he feels as I do, family comes first.

Amynlarae Shadowmoon

There Is No Honor In This


August 20th

Dear Journal,

I know it has been some time since I have written, however, it has been rather busy with things trying to wrap up with the demon incursion on the Broken Isles.  One would have thought that we would have a moment’s respite from conflict not considering that we have a Warchief that is an undead Banshee Queen in every sense of the word.

I have always followed the Horde and the war chiefs we’ve had, however, with the caveat that I was following the direction of the Regent Lord in Silvermoon.  At least that’s what I thought I was doing and felt that it was something that had to be done.  I’ve lived through Thrall, Garrosh, Vol’jin and now, Sylvanus – the latter is a different matter and I’ve never trusted her.  I know that we were all shocked when Vol’jin gave her the position and said it was from the LOA – well, was it?  I’m not real sure. This whole situation has been like a boiling cauldron and I think it has finally reached a point where it is going to be hard to choose between loyalty and honor.

In the last few weeks I have seen and done things that would have never even entered my imagination or my worst nightmare.  The whole thing has made me sickened to my very soul and the shame that I will carry for the rest of my life.  How am I going to face my wife and my sons with the things that we have done?  I haven’t seen my beloved wife since the attack on Teldrassil – I know her group of Sentinels were there, however, I know she was not amongst those that were lost because I have heard from her through our company channels.

I know that I am not the only one that was physically ill with the killing that went on at Dark Shore and it is the only time in my adult life that I wanted to just walk away from everything.  I wanted desperately to walk away from the Horde, find my beloved Amyn and run to Outland to our home in Nagrand – I may still do that if I can face her again.  I just want to make sure that my boys are okay too – I know that Vash is still in Stormwind and that Kal was with Kae and her group of Sentinels but I’m not real sure where they were during all this slaughter. I just hope that they are okay and neither of them was wounded or even killed.

I wasn’t the only one standing there sickened with the bloodshed and the horror, Dawnglory was there with me and I’m not ashamed to admit that we both had tears streaming down our faces when the order was given to set the World Tree on fire.  I know several of us were screaming for them not to do it and I assume that we are all going to hear from our Leaders at some point about our misconduct.

Now, I know that the Horde may have bitten off more than they can chew with the leadership being what it is, however, if the Regent Lord has approved of this action and will condone these heinous acts, I will follow him and trust that there is a reason for all of it that I am not privy too.

I know from my past experiences that the Alliance will retaliate, and I know that the Warchief will be there primary target.  So, its WAR again whether our people want it or not.  So, we will not have the time of peace that most of us were looking for – I can’t truly remember a time when there wasn’t a war somewhere that we were involved in.

My heart is just breaking with the pain and suffering that I have witnessed and trying to put my mind at peace is going to be a chore.  I still need to find my wife and let her know that I love her and apologize to her for my actions and the actions of others.  I hope she will forgive me and still love me.

I know that we will have to be extremely careful with our relationship and our businesses with the faction war starting up again.  We are heading into some dangerous times.


Fnor Morningstar





Life Goes On

July 13th

Dear Journal,

It has been a while since I’ve had a respite from dealing with these demons and getting completely worn out with the constant fighting, however, I do think or feel that things are winding down.  The battles aren’t as intense as they once were, and the evil things are not mounting the huge offenses that they once did.  Do they know that we will keep fighting for as long as it takes to rid ourselves of their presence?  Naturally, with all the battles we’ve had on the Broken Isles and victories we’ve had have been costly to both factions, however, there was a cohesiveness to it all, I hope it lasts.

Thinking back on my life a little bit and I think that the only time that I have known some peace and true happiness was when we were finishing up our fights with Arthas.  That’s been a long time ago and there were happy times to be had in Dalaran before we were driven out.  All the Blood Elves were blamed for the bombing of Theramore and Lady Jania ran amuck with her power in Dalaran.  I still yearn for those days in my heart and the home that I had worked so hard to build there.  It was a wonderful existence while we were there although it doesn’t compare to the life that Amyn and I had in Shattrath where the boys were born.

Maybe after we’re done here, there will be peace for a time or even a brief respite.  I know that when Amyn and I are released from our service here in the Broken Shore – we are planning to take a long break from the stress of it in our home in Nagrand located in Outland.  We’ve built a wonderful mansion there with enough room for the whole family and our friends that care to join us.  It will be good to see our children there for a while.  With both boys taking the appearance of their Mother, it has been hard for us to get together and spend the time together that I would like.  I think that is one of the reasons whey I cherish the Old Dalaran days so much because it has truly been the only time that I could acknowledge my mate and our off-spring without any fear. Ah well, those days are gone, and I suppose that I should move forward.

The last trip that I made to Orgrimmar has me a bit worried because there were higher level gossip going on within the faction – the Warchief was under some scrutiny for her tendency to raise the dead too quickly after a battle regardless of the faction.  The all seem to follow her after they have been risen and I will have to admit that it sends a chill down my spin because it reminds me so much of the Scourge and Arthas.  I wonder if other people have noticed the similarity or are there so few of us left that remember those days?  I’m concerned because I don’t want to go through that again and see some of friends be turned into foes after their demise.

Our businesses are booming, and we are still able to meet the contracts that we pick up and I will have to admit that I am happy with that because if we can keep our coffers full, we will be able to endure just about anything that may happen here on Azeroth.  I’m still funneling some funds to Draenor to help support the work being there – there are still need for goods that can be obtained easily there.  No, we’re not pillaging the resources like we might have in the past, but we are able to keep up the supply for the demand of goods easily.

Damn, the horns are sounding again which means that we have another incursion of demons somewhere close to the camp – that means I need to stop writing and get on with my duty and plunge back into the smell of Fel.

Fnor Morningstar


April 2nd – A time for reflection and thoughts

Written in very cursive script denoting the maturity and education of the author



March 31st


Dear Journal,

I know that life has been extremely busy for me of late and that it seems as if I don’t have time to write as often as I would like, however, duty calls on you to leave the personal things to the side and attend to the things at hand.  Can’t say that I am overly fond of the thought of ignoring my family and it is something that I rarely do – just as the Pandaren say, what do you fight for?  I am still of the mind that I am fighting for my family, my home and then, for my faction.  Family will always come first to me due to my upbringing and how things could have been so different if I hadn’t had the opportunity to grow up with a family that loved me.

I know that I am as guilty as the next man for not thinking before I act sometimes, however, I have learned over the years through my own experience that actions, no matter how trivial, will always have consequences.  I know that I have had my hands full with my duties of late and fighting with demons for most of my waking moments, however, there are times when one must call a halt to all that and try to give your life some attention.

Oh, Amyn and I are doing fine, and we are finding time to spend with one another even in the Broken Isles and we aren’t taking as many risks in being exposed as we might have taken when we were younger.  We’re both older now and more cautious since we have both of our families to consider and our own children.  My eldest son, Kaldor, is here in the Broken Isles as well and I do have some concern for him because he does have the rashness of his Mother and myself that might lead him astray from time to time.  Of course, Amyn and I can’t expect to spend as much time with him as we would like which is understandable since he is still acting as Scout for the Sentinels as is his duty – I know he must be missing Kaelendra because she is back in Draenor attending to her duties there.

I will have to admit that I was in hopes that Kal and Kae would have taken their vows already, however, Kal seems to be a bit hesitant with that aspect of his life.  He loves the girl and there is no doubt in my mind in that regard, however, he is just biding his time with the formality of it.  I’ll be honest, Amyn and I would love to have a grandchild some day soon – there are no guarantees that our bloodline will continue with these constant wars that seem to happen in Azeroth.

With the rumors that are floating around these days, I almost feel like history is going to be repeating itself yet again.  I felt like we had finally made some kind of compromise with the Alliance while Varian was still alive, however, with Anduin taking his Father’s place after his untimely demise – I’m not so sure that the uneasy truce we had will last, not with Greymane bending the young fellow’s ear every chance he gets – the hatred that he feels for our current Warchief is not going to be easily appeased.  I can understand some of the things that are going on, however, I do wonder if our diplomats aren’t a bit off point with some of the actions that are starting to rear their ugly heads again.

The only peaceful time that I can recall was when I bought the house in Dalaran and lived there for few years.  Of course, we had to still fight the scourge and we still had to deal with all the things that were going on in Northrend at the time.  The Lich King’s demise couldn’t have happened at a better time as far as I am concerned.  Not only were the Death Knights freed from his control, I was freed from my military obligations for a while and that’s when I started my business.  Dawnglory and I both spent a great deal of time getting the business going and Amyn did her part as well.  It was a time of peace for all of us – not long lasting, mind you, however, it was a peace that we had never known.  Looking at how things have turned out, I was in the right place at the right time to build my alternative lifestyle with my love and with my business.

I know that Dawnglory is happy to have his family back with him and I know the rest of us are relieved.  I don’t think that I have ever seen the poor fellow so devastated during the whole time they were missing.  Yes, everyone that knew him was worried that he might not make it if we couldn’t find his family.  I know exactly how he feels too because I’ve experienced similar things and I sometimes wondered if life was worth living without my loved ones.

Ah well, I suppose I ought to just stop here for a while and get back to the business at hand and start getting back into a routine of sorts.  These demons are slowly dwindling down, and I wonder if we will ever be able to cleanse Azeroth of them.

Fnor Morningstar





Trying to break away and gather my thoughts…

Written in very cursive script denoting the maturity and education of the author



November 11th


Dear Journal,

It’s been a few days since I have had the time or the inclination to sit down and write anything down.  Let’s just say that things have been more than a little bit busy with our latest military actions.  All I see these days seem to be demon-filled areas and the foul Fel stink that permeates everything in the Broken Isles.  We won’t even get into the discussion of not being able to gaze up at the night sky these days without seeing that glaring ugly new sight of Argus – there seems to be no escape from that view even when you leave the Broken Shore.

I know that the Legion is trying to kill us all, however, it does make me wonder if that must include the stench of Fel.  Laughingly, I have tried everything to rid myself of the smell, I think I have spent a small fortune on all kinds of remedies that seem to smell worse than the Fel. Amyn is constantly teasing me about all the things that I have tried and blames it all on my being a Silvermoon escapee.  Of course, she had to share the fact that she hasn’t had to buy anything to get rid of the smell, she just bent over and picked up some sand from the edge of the lake that we were sitting by and rubbed it vigorously on her skin and on the ends of her hair.  Asked me to take a quick sniff of the areas she had scrubbed and there was no smell of Fel. Only a Night Elf would have realized such a simple remedy was literally at hand.

At least the two of us have been able to spend some time together on the Broken Isles without too much trouble, however, I will have to admit that it is somewhat difficult to keep our minds on other things while we are constantly watching for anyone and anything that might be an enemy of some kind.  Yes, war is always a dangerous business anytime you’re involved, however, there should be an escape other than Dalaran.

I know that Amyn and I have been together for most of our lives and that first meeting in the Barrens, so many years ago. I know that we have always tried to keep our relationship hidden from people outside of our families and I think that we have succeeded in that regard for the most part.  At least we haven’t been arrested or anything like for having this relationship.   I can remember a few years ago when the children were still small, and we were living in Dalaran together, it was always a shock to some people that I was involved with a Sentinel. No one in Dalaran ever tried to cause issues for us, the shopkeepers knew Amyn and she used my accounts without any issues and nothing was ever said.  Of course, back in the Eastern Kingdoms or even Kalimdor, things were totally different.  We never really had to hide a whole lot in Pandaria either, people tended to mind their own business there.

I know that we have become wealthy over the years with our businesses being combined and scattered throughout Azeroth and I’m sure that some people are more than a bit curious about how easily it seems that both firms can get their hands-on items that are supposedly exclusive for the Alliance or the Horde – Morningstar Enterprises is based out of Orgrimmar and Shadowmoon Enterprises is based out of Stormwind.  The only place that the company is totally out in the open is in Shattrath – that was the only open city that was available to us back in the day and it worked out well for us personally and the business.  Both boys were born in Shattrath and even though they were half-breeds, they didn’t have many issues to contend with while they were living there.  Of course, both boys still must know they are of mixed blood these days when they are in Stormwind, people there are always suspicious of people that appear to be different – they both look very much like the Kaldorei except for their eyes which can show some of the green from my side.  Kal has always acted more like his Mother’s people and doesn’t have too many of my traits to give him away, however, Vashlan is very Sindorei with the things that he likes to do, yes, he’s quite the clothes horse and quite the lady’s man.   Not to mention, Vashlan is a mage and is studying in Stormwind with hopes of going to Dalaran someday to finish up and take a more active role in the things going on in Azeroth.

Amyn and I have been very fortunate at keeping our marriage a secret as well as the fact that we have been mated far longer than we’ve been legally bound in the Sindorei fashion.  I do love her with all my heart and my children are the best thing that we have ever had happen.

Oh yes, I was quite the rounder for a while and had quite a few liaisons with women before we were wed because I wanted a family that would be accepted in the Sindorei society.  As far as I know, Amyn and I are the only ones to have had children from our alliance and that is probably for the best because I know that Amyn has quite the temper and I’d probably be a dead man if I suddenly had children showing up from any affairs I’ve had over the years with my female Sindorei consorts.

I did make it to Orgrimmar and signed some papers for Zippie and picked up some mail that had been delivered to the office rather than forwarded to me in the Broken Isles.  I suppose that is just as well because I got a letter from Dawnglory that has some interesting information in it and I know that he wants to talk to me about it.  Still no news about Romy and the children, I suppose he wants to take some more time off or increase the reward for any information of their whereabouts.


Fnor Morningstar





July 19th – Family…Sisters are hard to figure out

Written in very cursive script denoting the maturity and education of the author


July 19th


Dear Journal,

There are times when I wonder how or why I spent most of my life trying to raise my two sisters correctly.  Obviously, I wasn’t too successful with Felaran because she had already been turned to serve the Lich King. 

It was a long drawn out process and I spent a very long time looking for her and found her in Outland. Of course, she really didn’t recall her past and she didn’t truly remember me, however, I did convince her to come with me to Dalaran to live.  Her connections to the Lich King had been severed and she had followed a group of other Death Knights to Outland because she didn’t know of anything else to do. Yes, she was a killing machine and a certain part of her will always remain as such, however, she has learned how to control herself over the years.  Her memories have returned and she does remember a lot of the things that happened to her when she was younger.  Some people may not remember that there were times when Death Knights were not welcomed in any of our cities even though they had broken away from the Lich King – people just remembered what they were used for all those years.

What I am concerned about some of the things that have been going on with my youngest sister, Faendra.   She has always had strange obsession with Dawnglory ever since she realized that there were differences between little girls, boys and then, grown men.   I don’t know if it’s psychological thing where she has a fixation on him because of her growing up without our parents.  Sure, he has always been a handsome devil and I think that has a lot to do with it as well as being one of the most charming fellow when it comes to the females of our race.  He was quite the womanizer and I did tell him to stay away from my sisters for that reason – I didn’t want to endanger our friendship and I didn’t want to have my sisters hurt.  I didn’t have to worry about Fel, however, Faendra really has always been a bit of an airhead.

I have tried to arrange a marriage for her and she ran away from home.  So, she ruined her reputation in Silvermoon City and hurt her social standing for a while.  However, enough money in the proper areas and that sort of thing is soon forgotten.  I was trying to make her life easier for her and to try to make her happy with her life and it seems I have utterly failed.  I wanted to give her the life that we would have never had with our parents, they were good people and they were trades people and we never lacked for anything that we needed.  I have been fortunate enough in my life to make some good decisions professionally and in business.

I know that I have told Dawnglory to stop going to the farm in Pandaria and stay in Silvermoon when he’s not in Draenor or up with the rest of us on the Isle.  Since Fae has decided to act rather predatory about him since Romy and the children are still missing, I needed to give the poor man some sort of haven and I’m sure that Agatha will make sure he is comfortable and protected when he is staying at the main house there. 

Now, I need to get in touch with Faendra and find out what she is up too or at least let her know that I know about some of her antics.  I hope that she hasn’t done anything that I can’t fix or at least get some control over.  Part of me wants to buy her out of the Rangers and put her back in Orgrimmar, however, that wouldn’t be fair to the other employees there.  Amyn and I have argued about this.  I must agree with her and let Dawnglory and Fae work this out – they are supposedly both adults.


Fnor Morningstar


As always…with more to come

Written in very cursive script denoting the maturity and education of the author
June 2nd
Dear Journal,
My heart truly does go out to Dawnglory and all the grief that he is going through since his woman and his children are still missing.  I have done everything that I can to help him and we’re all coming up empty handed and my worry is that they might be lost forever, who knows?  I know that I am watching him spiral down as he just worries himself to death, literally.
Poor fellow has always been a bit of a womanizer and I never did think that he would ever get to the point to where he would be able to settle down and have a family, however, once he met that little redheaded girl from Northrend, he was smitten and he is truly in love with her.  I have never seen anyone change as drastically as he did.   He has never been one to do things in moderation and I guess that he had to go completely to the extreme with his love for this woman and his children are beautiful – as handsome as their parents.  Poor fellow is looking a bit worn these days and I told him I would take care of things for him with the business and try to get Zippie kicked up to peak with bonuses being offered for information about Romy and the children.
Thank the Light, Amyn and I are doing okay and we can slip away together now and again, even with all the demons running amuck on the Shore.  At least we can steal some time alone.  Kaldor had to follow his parents up here to the Isles as well and one would think that he could have avoided it a little longer or at least until he got things finalized with Kae.   Ah well, it seems like we are always going to have to take those stolen moments as a norm for us, it’s always been that way.
I know I had my hands full for a while with Amyn and the children for a while because they were all grieving for the loss of Varian Wrynn.  I know that we lost our Warchief and now we have the Banshee Queen as the new leader for the Horde.  What a crazy mixed up world this is.   I’ll have to admit that I did have a great deal of respect for the Wolf and his people will miss him greatly.  His son, Anduin, does show some promise if his advisors lead him in the right direction.  Poor kid, both parents are gone now and the only people he has close to him are not family.  Hopefully, Jania Proudmore is not anywhere nearby with her mental instability.
I sure wish that my sons were a bit more adept at doing some of the things that might serve them in the future – my step-sons are a handful and their Mother, Amyn, really has her hands full with them most of the time, however, they are old enough to help her with her part of the business in Stormwind.  I can’t recall if Kaldor and Vashlan were that much of a handful.   Well, Vash always seemed to be the one that was a bit Sindorei than his Kaldorei blood would admit, poor kid is as much as a clothes horse as I am and maybe a bit more with all the robes that he has purchased.  Amyn is very aware that he is still out chasing skirts and hopes that he will settle down soon – I guess he is taking after his Dad which really kind of embarrasses me somewhat because I can see a lot of myself in him.
Well, I suppose I should stop prattling here for a while and try to get back to writing in my journal a bit more so that I can gather my thoughts and get my mind off the Legion for a while.
Fnar Morningstar

February 8th – Ponderings

Written in very cursive script denoting the maturity and education of the author


February 8th


Dear Journal,

Whew!  I think I have finally gotten the stench of Fel out of my hair and now I’m cleaning my armor of the debris that I always seem to pick up these days.  Luckily, the Fel isn’t as acidic as I’ve discovered in other areas that will slowly corrode the armor and cause it to become somewhat weak at certain points.  I think that Amyn and I both need to start considering getting some replacement armor soon because we’re starting to look a bit more battle worn than usual.  The only good thing about the Broken Isles has been the fact that we can spend time together without people being any wiser – who cares what a Sentinel and Ranger are doing if you have demons breathing down your neck every time you leave your Hall?  It does remind me of the time we spent in Outland all those years ago, when we would venture out together to get things done for the company – it was fun back then, now, it’s just another chore added to our list of things that we must get completed in a timely manner.  I’ve been involved in some messy campaigns in the past, however, with the Legion invading while we were doing our duty in Draenor has stretched my loyalty to the limit. I know that Amyn and I laughed at the fact that we’re just getting too damned old for this stuff, however, we do it for our people and for our children.

Of course, we’re still very discreet when we are in public because one never knows if one might have caused someone some concern with how friendly we appear to be, considering the factions are still miles apart in what they believe is the way to live.  At least we’re not trapped in Draenor anymore with a Garrison full of people that would be all too happy to cause issues for their commanders.  Oh, we still remember all too well how much we both enjoyed some of the more secluded places in Shadowmoon with clear sparkling water with shelter from the weather.  We’re keeping out home in Halfhill like we normally do and enjoy going back there frequently these days.

I enjoyed my time in Draenor for the most part because I could see my wife and our son, Kal, almost as much as I wanted but my heart still goes out to the people that couldn’t ever seem to get the leaves they needed to return to Azeroth.   I know that Draenor cost Dawnglory more than anyone would ever imagine and I hope that he will be able to endure the pain that it has caused him – to lose your woman and your children while you’re off doing your duty must be the worst feeling a man could ever have.  I know that he is extremely lonely and, at times, bitter for the loss even though he tries to keep that hidden.  He is still looking for them too.  He still has transferred to the Broken Isles yet and I think that that is probably for the best because I know how he gets when he is grieving about something.   He tends to take his frustrations out with wild daring actions which will eventually get him killed.

I know that I am really kind of happy that Amyn and I seem to have more time together these days although I will admit that I miss the boys quite a bit.  We’ve talked about setting up some time for the whole family to meet at the house in Nagrand Continue reading