OOC -Just Having A Good Time

July 26th, 2018

I will have to say that I have been having some fun playing World of Warcraft for the last couple of weeks and haven’t really written anything.  Just been busy playing away and trying to get caught up since I seemed to have gotten over my medication issue for now.

I know that I had quite a few characters to go back and re-establish with their classes and tried experimenting with some of them.  I do have access to Beta and to the PTR although I will have to admit that I haven’t been using either one of them lately at all – just trying to make sense out of the current expansion and trying to get set for the new one.  I know that I have spent more time on my computer in the last few days than I have since I got it.  It’s awesome to be able to zip around and do the things that I want without hearing my old computer groaning and dropping the rates down so low that I felt like I was crawling.  It was a real potato and I still have my second computer that tends to run a bit warm, but fans are a wonderful thing.

I finally got brave and took some of my characters off “Twink” status to finish out areas before moving onto the next expansion.  I’ve decided that I am just going to run with them and go where I feel like going.  Trying to level a character or complete some of the achievements in Draenor is darn near impossible now since the mobs hit harder and kill you faster than they do on the Broken Shore.

One of the things about the Battle for Azeroth pre-expansion quests is that the characters must be maxed out, so you don’t end up running a bunch of alts up the ladder.  I know that I had quite a few that I ran up to the 100 level during the pre-expansion stuff for Legion.  It was fun running around and being a part of the Invasions before Legion dropped.  Now I am trying to do the alt catch up a bit too.

Now that I am starting to feel somewhat better, I am finally getting to do a few things in-game and in RL that I haven’t been able to do for a long time.  To be able to sit down and read a book and comprehend what I’m reading is a wonderful thing.

I hope to see you all in Azeroth sometime soon. 

Life Goes On

July 13th

Dear Journal,

It has been a while since I’ve had a respite from dealing with these demons and getting completely worn out with the constant fighting, however, I do think or feel that things are winding down.  The battles aren’t as intense as they once were, and the evil things are not mounting the huge offenses that they once did.  Do they know that we will keep fighting for as long as it takes to rid ourselves of their presence?  Naturally, with all the battles we’ve had on the Broken Isles and victories we’ve had have been costly to both factions, however, there was a cohesiveness to it all, I hope it lasts.

Thinking back on my life a little bit and I think that the only time that I have known some peace and true happiness was when we were finishing up our fights with Arthas.  That’s been a long time ago and there were happy times to be had in Dalaran before we were driven out.  All the Blood Elves were blamed for the bombing of Theramore and Lady Jania ran amuck with her power in Dalaran.  I still yearn for those days in my heart and the home that I had worked so hard to build there.  It was a wonderful existence while we were there although it doesn’t compare to the life that Amyn and I had in Shattrath where the boys were born.

Maybe after we’re done here, there will be peace for a time or even a brief respite.  I know that when Amyn and I are released from our service here in the Broken Shore – we are planning to take a long break from the stress of it in our home in Nagrand located in Outland.  We’ve built a wonderful mansion there with enough room for the whole family and our friends that care to join us.  It will be good to see our children there for a while.  With both boys taking the appearance of their Mother, it has been hard for us to get together and spend the time together that I would like.  I think that is one of the reasons whey I cherish the Old Dalaran days so much because it has truly been the only time that I could acknowledge my mate and our off-spring without any fear. Ah well, those days are gone, and I suppose that I should move forward.

The last trip that I made to Orgrimmar has me a bit worried because there were higher level gossip going on within the faction – the Warchief was under some scrutiny for her tendency to raise the dead too quickly after a battle regardless of the faction.  The all seem to follow her after they have been risen and I will have to admit that it sends a chill down my spin because it reminds me so much of the Scourge and Arthas.  I wonder if other people have noticed the similarity or are there so few of us left that remember those days?  I’m concerned because I don’t want to go through that again and see some of friends be turned into foes after their demise.

Our businesses are booming, and we are still able to meet the contracts that we pick up and I will have to admit that I am happy with that because if we can keep our coffers full, we will be able to endure just about anything that may happen here on Azeroth.  I’m still funneling some funds to Draenor to help support the work being there – there are still need for goods that can be obtained easily there.  No, we’re not pillaging the resources like we might have in the past, but we are able to keep up the supply for the demand of goods easily.

Damn, the horns are sounding again which means that we have another incursion of demons somewhere close to the camp – that means I need to stop writing and get on with my duty and plunge back into the smell of Fel.

Fnor Morningstar


OOC – Things Happen

July 12th, 2018

Well, all my plans for the month of June had to take a hiatus due RL stuff going on and I am going to try to get back into this thing called writing.  I know that I haven’t even spent the time to try to catch up with all the authors that I have been reading for years.   I’m going to take my time so that I don’t get all that stressed out with everything too.  Stress is my bane of existence because if I get too stressed about stuff, I get sick and that is exactly what happened to the month of June.

I know that when I had planned to get stuff done, I was being a bit ambitious and that was my undoing.  Some things you just don’t learn as you get older too – overloading does not make the task enjoyable. I know that I really know how to plan things out and with as much time on my hands since I retired years ago, sometimes I just think that I will have all the time in the world to get things done.  I used to work in an industry where deadlines were your bread and butter and you were judged on your achievements in that area – add in quality of work and that was a bonus.

I know that with the way our weather has been in Colorado, I haven’t had much time or inclination to be spending a lot of time outside in the sunshine.  I know we have broken several records so many times this season that it is almost shocking.  Heat and I don’t get along all that well.  When you get to be my age, there are only so many clothes you can take off before you start laughing uncontrollably.  Gravity is not my friend at this age.    With all my computer equipment being in my loft, it does get warm up there even with AC – heat rises and with lofted ceilings, it likes to heat up and hold it there for a long time.  My skylights are heavily tinted to keep the brightness out of the loft as much as possible because it has gotten to where the super bright lights tend to blind me at times. 

I don’t know why I thought I could get a lot of stuff done in Legion before Battle for Azeroth is dropped on August 14th and I tried, however, being an altoholic does make it a bit more fun.  Sure, I don’t have the new races released yet with the rep grinds and I don’t have flying.  I am just calling a screeching halt to the constant grind I’ve been doing while I’ve been online.  I’ll get it done when I get it done and I don’t have to have all the shinnies that were in Legion either because I don’t really care at this point.  I will do the best that I can and enjoy the time in the game just as I always have.  I know that I think Blizzard can take their Pathfinder requirements and put them where the sun don’t shine because that has taken a lot of fun out of the game for me.  Draenor drove me to distraction and I got it all done, however, it was after Legion dropped that I really started overloading myself with characters.

When Legion did their expansion drop preliminary events, I did run up quite a few characters with it and I’ve been stuck with them in Draenor for the last couple of years because I was busy in Legion trying to get caught up with things.  It’s not so easy to do when you have two computers crap out on you and you must save your money up, so you can get a new rig (which I do have and totally love).  I have several characters in Legion currently and I was mistaken for a long time when I thought that you “shared” some of the achievements and reputations – really put a roadblock out there for me.  I am willingly admitting that I have always used “guides” to find my way through the expansions and with Legion not having that information readily available for deeper research, it has been challenging.  I’ll do what I can when I feel like playing at this point and continue my happy way.

I also have been able to get some new glasses and that has made a huge difference for me because I was struggling with a pair of glasses that really didn’t do it for me sometimes.  I know that I have been reading a lot too – books that I have had a long time and couldn’t seem to get my brain to stay on them for as long as I would like.  When I ready, I am one of those people that likes to lay down and get comfy – which leads to unanticipated naps.  I’m also known for binge-watching television shows that I really liked a lot.  Hey, it’s not a big deal when you can make up your own schedule as you go along.

This was a lot longer than I wanted it to be, however, it is a start in the right direction of writing a little bit.   I will try to get caught up on the reading of my friends’ posts and try to get some character writing done as well – just like last month.  I hope to see you all in Azeroth soon.