In The Beginnin…

*Introducing a new character – Jaxom Perndragon – currently residing on the realm of Sisters of Elune*


April 24th

Dear Journal,

I have never kept anything as a journal, however, I know that I have an annoying habit that I feel like this will help out and something that a friend of mine recommended.  I talk to myself a lot because I spend a lot of time alone when I am out in the field and I think that I am losing some of my social skills sometimes because I am often easily distracted when I am in the company of my fellow Rangers.

My name is Jaxom Perndragon and I haven’t got the slightest clue who my parents were nor when I was born, I grew up in the orphanage in Silvermoon City.  The only information that I had available to me was the fact that there was on a yellowed sheet of paper left in the blankets that I was swaddled in that just said that my name was Jaxom.  The surname was surmised from a birthmark that I had on my shoulder that must have looked like a dragon of some sort, which has long since faded away as I’ve gotten older. That’s my early history I guess – not much there when you don’t have a family to speak of  nor anyone else to speak of other than yourself, I suppose.

I never did get adopted because I was always too shy to talk to people if I didn’t know them and I’m sure that the prospective parents weren’t too impressed with me hiding behind the Matron’s skirts when we were introduced.  I guess some of them thought that I was addle pated or at least not real bright because I just didn’t seem to have that spark that they were looking for because I never laughed a lot nor did I smile that much.   I guess one could say that I was probably not the best example of the Sindorei because I definitely wasn’t all that sociable nor was I one of those children that excelled at anything other than my love of nature.  I loved being outdoors and I loved being able to wander around when I had the opportunity, watching the animals, fishing when I could find something to fish with. Yeah, I guess I was kind of born a hermit.

I did well as could be expected in my schoolwork and did rather well with some things, reading and writing seemed to be my forte and I enjoyed drawing or artwork to a certain point although I didn’t exactly excel at it as some of my other friends did.  I did learn the math that we were given and that was a good thing because it has stood me in good stead and I can at least do most of the sums in my head.  Yeah, I can learn how to save money so that I won’t starve to death, however, that isn’t much of a worry as long as I stay with the Rangers.

The Matrons tried to get me interested in some of the finer things such as magic or even the priesthood and that didn’t work out well at all.  I kept falling asleep in my classes that dealt with the priesthood and it wasn’t a good thing to do and we won’t even discuss the magic or the thoughts of becoming a mage – I couldn’t even make it through the first semester and was told by my instructor that he had never had anyone in his classes that he could actually say that didn’t have a hint of magic in my mind.  Well, we can’t all be mages and the idea of healing people as a priest made me want to throw up, forget the religious text.  Guess that knocked out the idea of me become something as great as a Paladin too.

I guess I could have tried a little harder to become a tradesman although that really didn’t appeal to me at all because I didn’t want to be stuck in a building all day.  I did work for a time with a tailor and he finally told me that I wasn’t suited for the work due to my daydreaming.

When the time came for me to pick a profession the matrons all agreed that maybe I should try something that was more structured, maybe a blacksmith or maybe a tailor or maybe just put me in the military and let them sort it out for me.  Well, I guess you could say that it got sorted out for me. The military was the only thing that seemed to be a reasonable fit for me.  I took to the Ranger training like a water fowl takes to the water and I’ve never looked back.  I guess I had some kind of natural ability with bows and I learned how to skin animals and do leatherworking without so much as a hitch in my work.  I can turn out a good pair of boots when the mood strikes me, at least.

I’m spending a lot of time with the other Rangers patrolling around Silvermoon and so far, the Ghostlands are about as spooky as the name would imply.   There are creatures and spirits out there that I had only heard tell of at the orphanage and to actually see them in the flesh has definitely been a jolt to my system.   I wonder what other stories that I was told when I was growing up are going to turn out to be true?  That’s a scary thought in of itself and I am truly not a coward, however, it does make me very nervous most of the time.  I think that the scourge left over from the war many years ago are the worst things so far because from a distance, they can still be mistaken for a man although you can kind of tell they aren’t by the jerky way that they are moving.  The first one that I killed, I was just mortified that I had taken it’s life and after everyone explained to me that they were reanimated corpses and had no souls left.  That made me question the Forsaken walking around the city, aren’t they kind of the same?  I’m sure that the Forsaken still have their souls even if they sometimes eat things that they kill including people…that thought really makes me nervous because I know that we all have to go spend some time in the Undercity and will have to work with them – I hope I don’t become someone’s dinner, I’m sure that Blood Elves don’t taste that good, I hope.

Well, I think that I have written enough here because I am tired of writing and I don’t feel much like talking – there isn’t anyone awake here in the barracks anyway because it’s that late.


Jaxom Perndragon.