OOC – Happy Anniversary in RL

August 31st, 2018

Woot!!  Happy Anniversary to me and my spouse!!  It’s truly had to believe that we have been married for 39 years today.  Time has gone by so quickly and it just seems that we’ve gotten older to go along with it.  It’s quite the milestone for this day and age, however, it took a lot of work and effort to make it happen.

It’s been fun, and it’s been a trial just as it is in any relationship and we’ve had our bumpy spots too.  I know that we’ve raised our family, worked jobs and retired.  Now in the Golden Years is not quite as golden as we would like, however, life is just as it is. I know quite a few people thought that we would never make it this far and we’ve watched them get divorced a few times – that’s okay, it’s what they chose to do.  We’re still here and we might fight from time to time, but it is still a milestone.

I just wanted to share this with my WordPress friends and my World of Warcraft family too.  I don’t think that we are doing anything special today other than the usual thing.  A nice dinner at home and a quiet evening.  Hey, when you get older, it’s easier to take the casual approach to some things.

See ya in Azeroth!!

When Worlds Collide

2018-08-29 (1)

August 29th

Dear Journal,

My heart is heavy and my soul has been sorely damaged with all of the things that have happened in the last few weeks.  So many things and so many people have been lost – for what reason?  Elune has taught me that there are few things that I can do to learn that lesson, however, how many times does Azeroth have to deal with this type of conflict – for what reason?

We have fought demons and we’ve fought the scourge and we’ve fought each other for all time, or so it appears to me.  I met my beloved Sindorei in the middle of a conflict with the Horde and he saved my life.  Oh yes, I hated him at first and once I knew him, I knew that he was no different that I am on the inside.   We were supposed to be enemies and we were supposed to kill one another according to the Leaders and Warchief of the time, however, Elune had other plans for us because we fell in love.

The place that my people called home is no more, burned with the people that were still there.  Civilians and soldiers a like – babes in arms,  ancients living in their winter of their of lives.  Anyone and anything that was not fast enough to make it out of the portals and to safety were lost.   It didn’t matter that some of those people had never taken up arms in their lives and had only existed to live their lives in peace and harmony in the World Tree.  Now, they are gone, burned to ash.

I couldn’t believe what was happening because it all felt like a horrific nightmare that I only wanted to awake from.  No matter how hard I tried to wake up – it was no dream and those visions are burnt forever into my mind.

I know this war is about the azurite and the possibility of what it might do and to save our world, however, no one would have thought that the Banshee Queen would have thought immediately to turn it into a thing of mass destruction.   We have lost cities before in the past – Theramore does come to mind and the loss of life there was unbelievable.   No one was prepared, just as we weren’t prepared for the Cataclysm and losses for my people with Deathwing.  So many lives lost just so that we could start it all over again.  Where are the Gods that we have worshipped and bowed to for all of these centuries – can they not control their children any better than we can control ours?

I know that my beloved was there on Dark Shore and I know that he killed just as I did, however, I know that his heart had to be breaking as sorely as mine was.  Some of these people were friends and, yes, even family.  We were ordered as soldiers to do these things and we did them.  That doesn’t mean that we felt it was right – there was no honor in what either faction did and I know that it is only the beginning.

My family is safe because a certain Sindorei told me to get them to safety weeks before anything happened.  Bless Elune that he was willing to risk his life to let me know what he had heard in the war councils – he feels as I do, family comes first.

Amynlarae Shadowmoon

Will This Ever End

*Warning!! There could be some salty language in this post, if you’re easily offended, please do not read.*


August 25th

Yo Book!!

What in the Hells is going on!  What did we just do and why we did it?  I’m not getting anywhere with my questions; however, it is a thing that I am often doing these days. I’m questioning everything that I am doing and why I’m doing it.  Well, fuck, the first thing that comes to mind is that I am following orders and secondly – no one seems to understand the full ramifications of the shit that we are doing. Even Fnor is rattled and shaken with these new events.  It takes a fucking lot of stuff to rattle that man and I know because he’s been my best friend since I joined the rangers.

All I know is that we were doing the usual cleanup after a long battle with our foes in the Broken Shore and we got orders to report to the Warchief in Orgrimmar.  Okay, not a fucking problem, we’ll drop whatever we’re doing to go see what this crazy bitch has going on now.  To say that I dislike the Warchief is probably considered dangerous, however, I’d rather face that danger than deal with another pyscho in charge of the Horde.  Even the news from Silver Moon and our Regent Lord is a bit disconcerting at a time like this – we are ordered to Orgrimmar and we are going to do whatever the Banshee Queen has to say.  I’ll have to give it some thought or just pull one of my better disappearing acts.

For Light’s Sake!!  I just got my family back together and we’ve gone to Pandaria to live where the children can at least stay safe.  Romy and the children are still recovering from their ordeal as well as getting acclimated back to where they should be – they need no further trauma in their lives for now.

I know that I was just getting used to being with the kids and Romy again.  Just having them with me made my world complete and now, well, duty calls and there is no way that I can get out of it for fear that Romy could be called back to active duty as well.   I’m not one to leave the kids with other people to raise and I know how Romy feels about that sort of thing as well.

I’m still shaken by all the things that happened at the Dark Shore and the finality of the Horde burning the World Tree.  The loss of life for Night Elves was absolutely sickening and I wept as I stood there watching the tree burning.  War is war; however, this wasn’t something that any of us had ever thought would happen.  I know that Fnor was just devastated because of his wife’s family and his own relationship with many of the Elves over time.  Watching all of this almost felt like getting physically struck.

I’m ashamed to say that I followed my orders and did what I was told but that doesn’t mean that I agreed with it. A lot of us didn’t agree with any of it – why start a war with the Alliance at this point and time?  Why kill so many people for a whim of someone that isn’t exactly rational?

Honor and Loyalty – well, what the fuck does that really mean.  Honor is something for you as an individual, however, the Loyalty to a faction is a duty.  When that duty crosses the line, you must make some very hard choices and I have made mine – I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and know that I am doing the right thing and not feel the shame that I am feeling now.

I know that I am sitting here and feeling like something soiled and thrown away.  This is not a great feeling at all – the shame is so intense that it almost makes me want to puke my guts out.   I have written to Romy and told her to not come anywhere near Kalimdor at this time and to avoid the Eastern Kingdoms because there is nothing left for her there any longer.

My mind is just rambling, and thoughts are as fleeting as the brandy that I have been drinking.

Fnar Dawnglory








There Is No Honor In This


August 20th

Dear Journal,

I know it has been some time since I have written, however, it has been rather busy with things trying to wrap up with the demon incursion on the Broken Isles.  One would have thought that we would have a moment’s respite from conflict not considering that we have a Warchief that is an undead Banshee Queen in every sense of the word.

I have always followed the Horde and the war chiefs we’ve had, however, with the caveat that I was following the direction of the Regent Lord in Silvermoon.  At least that’s what I thought I was doing and felt that it was something that had to be done.  I’ve lived through Thrall, Garrosh, Vol’jin and now, Sylvanus – the latter is a different matter and I’ve never trusted her.  I know that we were all shocked when Vol’jin gave her the position and said it was from the LOA – well, was it?  I’m not real sure. This whole situation has been like a boiling cauldron and I think it has finally reached a point where it is going to be hard to choose between loyalty and honor.

In the last few weeks I have seen and done things that would have never even entered my imagination or my worst nightmare.  The whole thing has made me sickened to my very soul and the shame that I will carry for the rest of my life.  How am I going to face my wife and my sons with the things that we have done?  I haven’t seen my beloved wife since the attack on Teldrassil – I know her group of Sentinels were there, however, I know she was not amongst those that were lost because I have heard from her through our company channels.

I know that I am not the only one that was physically ill with the killing that went on at Dark Shore and it is the only time in my adult life that I wanted to just walk away from everything.  I wanted desperately to walk away from the Horde, find my beloved Amyn and run to Outland to our home in Nagrand – I may still do that if I can face her again.  I just want to make sure that my boys are okay too – I know that Vash is still in Stormwind and that Kal was with Kae and her group of Sentinels but I’m not real sure where they were during all this slaughter. I just hope that they are okay and neither of them was wounded or even killed.

I wasn’t the only one standing there sickened with the bloodshed and the horror, Dawnglory was there with me and I’m not ashamed to admit that we both had tears streaming down our faces when the order was given to set the World Tree on fire.  I know several of us were screaming for them not to do it and I assume that we are all going to hear from our Leaders at some point about our misconduct.

Now, I know that the Horde may have bitten off more than they can chew with the leadership being what it is, however, if the Regent Lord has approved of this action and will condone these heinous acts, I will follow him and trust that there is a reason for all of it that I am not privy too.

I know from my past experiences that the Alliance will retaliate, and I know that the Warchief will be there primary target.  So, its WAR again whether our people want it or not.  So, we will not have the time of peace that most of us were looking for – I can’t truly remember a time when there wasn’t a war somewhere that we were involved in.

My heart is just breaking with the pain and suffering that I have witnessed and trying to put my mind at peace is going to be a chore.  I still need to find my wife and let her know that I love her and apologize to her for my actions and the actions of others.  I hope she will forgive me and still love me.

I know that we will have to be extremely careful with our relationship and our businesses with the faction war starting up again.  We are heading into some dangerous times.


Fnor Morningstar





OOC – Update and getting there…

August 19, 2018

Having so many stories roaming about in my brain and wanting to play instead of writing has been an issue of mine for the last year, however, think I’ll try to do a bit more writing and build up my following a bit more.

Had zero issues with the launch of Battle for Azeroth and have enjoyed what little I have played in the new zones, however, once again, I am still stuck with some of the things in Legion if I plan on expanding my character base a bit with new Allied races.  I will never understand why Blizzard locked everything behind the reputations and will say that I dislike it immensely.  That’s just my personal opinion and nothing against those that have done it – I am always behind these last two expansions.   I don’t think that will change anytime soon because I’m not doing a whole lot to advance myself – toon hopping is not going to make it go faster although it does make it more entertaining for me and I never get bored with it.

I am going to say that I don’t care for the “new” armor – never did like the idea of running around looking like a sad neon sign. So, I will be doing a lot of transmog in this expansion as I level just to keep my immersion going. The super bright gold on the armor makes me feel like I am standing in a cave with a spotlight on myself – not appealing to me at all.  Again, this is my opinion.

All the drama leading up to the launch left me feeling very drained emotionally because I play both Horde and Alliance.  I can see why this was done the way that it was and that was to build up the hype and get more people to join into the hype for the War, however, if left me feeling a bit depressed.  

On the Horde side, I was dismayed and sad to see that the Horde is being touted as the bad guys as usual, however, the genocide was not enjoyable for me.  Both factions have done horrible things in the past and will continue to do so – this is World of WARcraft, after all, not my Little Pony.

At least I am starting to feel like I am going to be able to play a bit more and I’m able to do play a little bit longer at a time.  Having some vision issues again, however, that goes with the age.   Still enjoying the game and I hope that everyone is enjoying themselves.  I’m going to hang out in Legion a bit to grind out the reps but that’s par for the course.  I’m always behind and I get to play at a leisurely pace.


See you all in Azeroth.