OOC – October 5th – Yeah, I’m back at it again

October 5th 


I will have to admit that I haven’t been writing very much in the last year, however, that was due to the fact that I have been playing medication roulette with my doctors.  I think they have finally figured out what to give to take without killing me with it.  It’s been a rough year for me in the health department. 

Anyway, long story short, I have renewed my WordPress account and I’m planning on getting back into my usual (other normal) posting in this next year.  The brain is all abuzz with thoughts of projects and what I need to write about.  Hey, my writing isn’t all that great and I know that, however, I do enjoy it and it makes me feel like I am doing something other than playing video games. 

I know that I haven’t even been playing a whole lot in the last six months or so due to the fact that I just couldn’t concentrate on anything for very long before I just got totally lost in thought and confusion on some things.  Over-medicating your brain makes you real spacy and I was really starting to get worried about what was going on.  All manner of thoughts race through your head in regard to your faculties when you don’t feel like you’re doing things quite right or up to your usual standards.  

I never have followed the arena nor the MDI tournaments until this year and I will have to admit that I have spent a great deal of time watching those events.  I know I will never be that kind of player again, however, it does bring back some good memories of days gone by.  I used to be Hell-on-Wheels with PvP and as a raider, however, the reflexes aren’t what they used to be these days.  I had to put some of those things to the side and just get into the questing side more with my characters, which is not all bad at all.  Even though I am not up to snuff enough to really participate in these things but that doesn’t mean that I have lost the love or the interest in it. 

Another thing that I did this year is something that I haven’t ever done in the last twelve years and that was to buy one of the tickets on-line for BlizzCon.   I’ve never done that before and I am very excited to see it here in the comfort of my own home.   It should be fun and I’m sure that I will post other things in regard to that.   

I hope to be playing and writing more in the next few months and rekindle my love for all things World of Warcraft.  I have no great expectations for things, just the ability to enoy something that I have been doing almost daily for the last twelve years.   Hope to see all of you soon. 

Still trying to catch up on the posts that some of you have done and hope to have that caught up in the next couple of days.  Everything that I have been reading has inspired me to get back with the way that I used to be and to carry on with the rest of the gang.   

OOC – Better Late Than Never

September 3rd, 2017 


Sorry, I haven’t been playing much of late nor have I been writing all that much either.   Sometimes RL seems to take charge of things and you have to put a few things aside in order to keep up with it.  I wasn’t feeling all that well physically and that usually sets off a whole bunch of things that seem to backlog and get me into that rut we’ve all been in at some time in our lives.  Oh, it wasn’t anything real serious just ails of the aging body with depression added on for the topper. 

Just started getting back into WoW again and I’m enjoying it now that I have decided that I’m not under any pressure to get caught up with all the speed demons out there.  I’ll take my time doing stuff and will eventually finish Legion, if it ever really ends.  All the time gating that people were worrying with is pretty much over for me because the new patch has arrived and the past gates are now open for those of us that came toddling along at a snail’s pace.   I think that I am slower than a snail, however, it works for me and that’s what I’ll be doing, dragging up the end area.  Still only have the one 110 and he’s starting to move along nicely with all of the catch-up things happening now for me.  Still no legendary anything, however, it has to drop at least one someday.   I do hate RNG with a passion. 

Time is definitely flying by for me this year.  Just celebrated my 38th Wedding Anniversary and it sure doesn’t seem like it’s been that long except when I look in the mirror or look at my spouse.  Yep, we’ve gotten a bit older in all of these years.  Empty nest syndrome wasn’t invented yet when we still had people living with us, now it’s just the two of us and our senior citizen kitties.  Ah well, that’s what happens when you get older and now we have grandchildren, so, there’s another clue that we’re getting older.  Little Munchkins that you can spoil rotten and send them home with their parents – it’s fair. 

Did I see the eclipse?  Yep, watched on the telly because I’m a coward when it comes to my eyes and I wasn’t about to go outside (big place where the NPCs can be a bit dicey and there are bugs that bite).  I enjoyed it and just kind of watched the people on the television doing the commentaries.   

I do have quite a few relatives that live in the Houston area, so, the last week or two have been filled with a lot of anxiety and concern for them.  Everyone seems to be safe and sound for the moment although there was some loss of property for a few – they were fortunate enough to at least have some insurance that will help pay for some of the damage.  I’ve lived in the Pacific region and gone through typhoons and then lived in Florida where we dealt with hurricanes – I think I’ll just stay here in Colorado and deal with the snow and an occasional tornado, thank you very much. 

Well, I suppose that I will have to hop off here and get busy trying to get caught up with all of the people that I haven’t been reading for a few days on WordPress.  When I don’t feel like even taking the laptop and reading stuff on it, I know I don’t feel good at all.   See you all soon in-game and I hope to be adding to the written words soon.  😀 


OOC – April 27th – I’m Still Here

April 27th
I really haven’t been doing all that much in Legion in the last week, however, I have renewed my interest in Death Knights.  I have quite a few of that class and had put them on the back burner because I could move along faster with my ranged folks.
I did bring back one of my DKs from 2014 and got her to 100 the easy way because I was stupid – hehe, thought I’d get a token on her and just play away and transfer her to one of the realms where I have other characters.  Well, the token money was so high that I couldn’t transfer her straight away because she could only take 5K of gold with her. After the boost, thinking that would help the problem, I found out that you can’t transfer a character for 72 hours after the boost.    Yeah, sometimes I’m not too bright.   Anyway, that’s where I’ve been, just playing the game and trying to keep up with RL things.
I’ve always been an altoholic and that will never change because I like diversity and love to skip around and go into different areas of the game and explore to my heart’s content while I’m on various characters.  I do play both factions so I can get the gist of the whole story while I’m playing.  Love losing myself in my fantasy world for as long as I can sometimes.
I have been reading some of the stuff on the forums and a lot of people wailing about being forced into doing certain things to get that feeling of accomplishment.  I’m not overly fond of that sort of thing either, however, I do maintain that if I am having fun that it doesn’t really matter what I do.   Of course, I’m still plodding along on my main in Legion and not really giving two hoots if I get flying in the next month or so because I’m not in the mood to do it. If I want to fly, I hop on an alt and zip around Azeroth or Draenor and have a great time while I’m doing it.
Yeah, I know, I have too many characters and I toon hop way too much and that’s another reason that I am so far behind on things.  Does it really matter?  It doesn’t really matter to me because I play the game for the entertainment and if I my brain skips a beat now and then, that’s okay too.  I still play solo most of the time and enjoy that immensely because there are times that I must break away and go do my chores.
I’m still playing alone in my guilds because the people that I thought might come back haven’t made their appearance yet and I am beginning to realize that their interests are somewhere else or another game.  So, I’ll just keep doing my thing.  I do RP a bit more these days which is always an added incentive to keep playing and I do attend events now and again, just to keep that interest going.
I am trying very hard to get back into writing again and it’s quite the struggle right now.  I’ve had some writer’s block and kind of at a loss as to where I want to go with some of my storylines.  I’ll keep going and maybe start publishing some of the stuff that I have written and not published yet.  Can’t say that it will all be good though or maybe I am overly critical of my own work.  One never knows these days.

Getting Prepared for New Adventures

February 17th

Dear Journal,

It’s really been quite some time since I have written in journal, however, I’m back at the farm in Halfhill and I must admit that I am just enjoying being here and having some free time on my hands too. It feels good to be sitting on the front steps of the house in a robe and not having to be in full armor with my weapon close to hand. It’s just nice to enjoy sitting here in the sunshine and watching the animals play on the farm and not having people constantly charging up and asking for more “orders” to be given or to give me an urgent message about some nonsense.

Just having some privacy and being able to relax has been such a bonus to me and to Kae.  I don’t think that either one of us realized how exhausted we were with the constant being on duty required of us in Draenor.  Oh, there were things that we both like about commanding a Garrison, however, there were so many things that we disliked.  Not having any privacy was the main failing point in our eyes because we couldn’t seem to find that much time alone and even if we did, someone would find us. I know that one time we went all the way to Nagrand to find a place to be alone and I’ll be damned if one of the couriers showed up not even an hour after we arrived.  Talk about feeling awkward, we weren’t exactly dressed for the occasion, as it were.   It made me wish for the old days in our old Nagrand where we could slip away and find a nice floating island to spend some time alone and watch the clouds passing us by – nope that doesn’t exist on Draenor.

We still must go back to Draenor every few days to check on our place and to make sure that the duties are being carried out, however, we aren’t restricted to just that.  We are taking a bit of a respite from our service so that we can recoup some of our energy before we rejoin our forces in The Broken Isle, which, I am not looking forward too at all.  From everything that I have heard, I’m not looking forward to going even if that is supposedly our duty because I can’t say that I have ever been overly fond of the stench of Fel and I am not fond of demons in all shapes and sizes trying to take my life either.  I know that Kae and I were discussing some of this as we lay in bed the other night and neither one of us is anxious to get back into the old routine of going out on patrols and then racing like we’re on fire to get back to our headquarters to make our reports.   Getting back into the routine of Scout and Sentinel isn’t something that we will have trouble with, however, we will have a bit of trouble adjusting to taking orders from someone else when we have gotten so used to having control of that sort of thing ourselves. Oh well, we’ll go where our duty requires us to go even if we’re not going to like it.

I always wonder if we are ever going to have a peaceful time in our lives.  I know that my Father does talk about a time when things were not so chaotic and full battles going on constantly.  That was long before I was born, although my parents were already mated at that point – she was in Shattrath at that point and my Father was in Dalaran getting his company established there as a civilian mercenary – that’s when all the Import/Export business started and made it possible for us to have other branches of the company all over Azeroth and represented in both factions.  If only some of the people realized that Morningstar Enterprises and Shadowmoon Enterprises was owned and operated by the same family, they just see different faces running things wherever they happen to be.  Maybe it wouldn’t be such a good idea for them to know because one company is owned by a Sindorei and the other by a Kaldorei that happen to be married to one another – I’m sure some people would consider them both to be traitors, not only to their factions, which would be a bad thing, I’m sure.

I know that Kae still gets ridiculed for being involved with a half-breed, however, she has taken it all in stride these last few years and I must admire her for that sometimes.  It hasn’t made her life an easy one with the Sentinels, however, she thinks that some of them are just envious of the fact that not only am I her Scout, I’m also her lover.  I’m also starting to give more thought to us taking our vows at the moonwell in Darnassus too, it’s time that we made our relationship a bit more permanent.  I know that she would be a lot happier and it might make her life easier in the troop.  I know that I would be one of the few mates that would still be seeing active duty with their spouses and I would not be relegated to something else.

We have been talking about having children sometime soon too.  One of the things that I don’t like is the fact that she would like to utilize the communal type of child-rearing that she had growing up and I am more inclined to go along with the way that my parents raised me.  I know my family and I love them, is that not a good thing?  I know that the Sentinels feel that their children gain more experiences of life without being held too close to their parents, however, I feel that the kids are being cheated out of a foundation of having a family and what that truly means.  Oh, I can just know how my Mother would react to a grandchild of hers being reared without knowing their family – the explosion would be heard all the way through time to Draenor.

Ah well, I’m sure that things will happen in due time.  Kae and I are not in a hurry to change things dramatically in our lives now.  I know that things are still chaotic with our war on the Legion at this point and we both know that things can change dramatically with that situation.  We may not have all the time in the world to do all the things that we want, however, if we’re both happy and healthy, we shouldn’t change things at this point.

I know that I am starting to feel like my Sindorei parent in the way that he would love to have a time of peace for a while.  He has spent his entire life being involved in wars and serving the Horde – he would like to have the time to just enjoy life with the concerns of a war adding stress to it.  I wonder if we will ever see that so-called peace in my lifetime?

Kaldor Shadowmoon

February 12 2017 – OOC – Whee!

February 12 2017


I’ve had kind of an interesting week for myself in World of Warcraft.  Not that I did anything too exciting or anything, however, I did decide of sorts with the way that I have been playing.  I have been plodding along on my main and it sure doesn’t seem like I am getting anywhere and hedging around the edges of burnout even if I hadn’t played for a while – it just seems sort of unfulfilling in Legion sometimes. 

Sometimes while I am playing in Broken Isles it just seems like it is never-ending and that I can’t really see any progress to speak of, which is kind of frustrating. It seems like I spend much of my time just trying to get caught up with my always full quest log and trying to see if I can accomplish anything.  Still haven’t finished doing the reps to where I can to do the World Quests and it seems like that is something that I should have been doing months ago – still not geared up the way that I should be either and I know that that is my fault because I haven’t been playing as much to get the stuff.  I know that I am always reading on the forums about artifacts and such, have yet to see one or gain one on any of my characters that are leveling in Legion yet.  I haven’t really done any of the group activities either because I’m not part of a group with my guild – it’s just me. Soloing isn’t all that bad and I do have access for the dungeons and such, however, my biggest problem is that I don’t have any enchants on anything yet and haven’t felt like blowing a lot of gold on it because as soon as I do, I’ll end up replacing said gear.  Yeah, the dual edged sword thing. Still questing and still doing the storylines as I can and trying to figure out what is really going on.  Sometimes the quest lines complete and sometimes they just lead me further into the abyss of “not knowing” what the heck I’m doing. 

I know that I can’t be the only one that enjoys playing in Legion and at the same time I feel like some misplaced tourist that is trying to find their way through a country that has no maps, no directions and certainly no one that speaks the same language. As for Class Fantasy – well, I still have the fantasy about the fact that my hunters were always a lot stronger that some of the mobs and it isn’t every day that I get killed by a butterfly.  Tried a few other classes and have the same feeling of “something’s not quite right here” when I am playing.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I’m playing a lot in the old content on my alts because I still enjoy the game and try to lose myself in it for a few hours at a clip.  I’m avoiding dealing with the realities in my life and that I am just going to mark time for the next few years until something changes for the better – scary stuff going on in life right now.  I used to be quite the traveler in my younger years and no problems with leaving the country and coming back – now, I’m just worried about friends and families that have gone on trips and worried if they will be allowed to come back.

I’ve had a lot of fun leveling some of my little guys and romping around and just having fun.  I love my Pandas, Goblins and Gnomes – throw a few of my Worgen in there for grins because they all seem to have different personalities.   A lot of them I haven’t introduced to the public yet in any of my blogs because I am still not writing as much as I would like.  I like to RP with some of the newer players occasionally and enjoy the chats with the little guys – you never know what the Goblins are going to come up with as a reaction to things.

I had a horrible week with BattleNet and World of Warcraft.  I had continually running downloads from the Battlenet that would never complete, lag, disconnects and all manner of problems in game.  After three days of working with that, I finally bagged it all and decided that nothing was going to resolve the situation other than a complete download again.  Did the repair and all that, however, the downloads would never complete.  Frustrated is just a mild word that I can put in print now. Completely downloaded BattleNet and WoW – took 24 hours to download the game because Bnet was still being a bit wonky, however, it’s all working great now “knocks on wood” and I hope it lasts for a while.  With Blizzard using Bnet as the key to everything, when that gets messed up, you’re totally SOL in more ways than one.  Still running some extremely low FPS in some areas of the game, as are some of the other players, and I refuse to upgrade a new machine at this point, plus, I don’t have the money after all the medical issues lately.  If the game is still playable in some fashion, I’m okay with that.

Blizzard did attempt to help me with the issues that I was having and some of the stuff might have worked if it wasn’t all done via ticket which I was no longer patient enough to wait several hours for more instructions. Bnet was so fubar that I couldn’t use the chat sessions because it would cut out every time I finally got connected to someone.   What a wonderful experience for Blizzard and myself on that one.

Oh well, time to head back into the game for a while and stop whining about all the tech issues I’ve had.  I just hope that it keeps on working for a few days so I can play and try to bury some of animosity towards it.


February 8th – Ponderings

Written in very cursive script denoting the maturity and education of the author


February 8th


Dear Journal,

Whew!  I think I have finally gotten the stench of Fel out of my hair and now I’m cleaning my armor of the debris that I always seem to pick up these days.  Luckily, the Fel isn’t as acidic as I’ve discovered in other areas that will slowly corrode the armor and cause it to become somewhat weak at certain points.  I think that Amyn and I both need to start considering getting some replacement armor soon because we’re starting to look a bit more battle worn than usual.  The only good thing about the Broken Isles has been the fact that we can spend time together without people being any wiser – who cares what a Sentinel and Ranger are doing if you have demons breathing down your neck every time you leave your Hall?  It does remind me of the time we spent in Outland all those years ago, when we would venture out together to get things done for the company – it was fun back then, now, it’s just another chore added to our list of things that we must get completed in a timely manner.  I’ve been involved in some messy campaigns in the past, however, with the Legion invading while we were doing our duty in Draenor has stretched my loyalty to the limit. I know that Amyn and I laughed at the fact that we’re just getting too damned old for this stuff, however, we do it for our people and for our children.

Of course, we’re still very discreet when we are in public because one never knows if one might have caused someone some concern with how friendly we appear to be, considering the factions are still miles apart in what they believe is the way to live.  At least we’re not trapped in Draenor anymore with a Garrison full of people that would be all too happy to cause issues for their commanders.  Oh, we still remember all too well how much we both enjoyed some of the more secluded places in Shadowmoon with clear sparkling water with shelter from the weather.  We’re keeping out home in Halfhill like we normally do and enjoy going back there frequently these days.

I enjoyed my time in Draenor for the most part because I could see my wife and our son, Kal, almost as much as I wanted but my heart still goes out to the people that couldn’t ever seem to get the leaves they needed to return to Azeroth.   I know that Draenor cost Dawnglory more than anyone would ever imagine and I hope that he will be able to endure the pain that it has caused him – to lose your woman and your children while you’re off doing your duty must be the worst feeling a man could ever have.  I know that he is extremely lonely and, at times, bitter for the loss even though he tries to keep that hidden.  He is still looking for them too.  He still has transferred to the Broken Isles yet and I think that that is probably for the best because I know how he gets when he is grieving about something.   He tends to take his frustrations out with wild daring actions which will eventually get him killed.

I know that I am really kind of happy that Amyn and I seem to have more time together these days although I will admit that I miss the boys quite a bit.  We’ve talked about setting up some time for the whole family to meet at the house in Nagrand Continue reading

OOC – Quitting Smoking ….

May 15th

I know that this is a weird thing to write about as far as a blog goes, however, here goes.  I am playing primarily lowbies right now in World of Warcraft so that I get totally involved in what I am doing so that I can suppress my urge to smoke.

Yep, I quit smoking for seven years and went back to it like a dummy and now I am paying the price for that stupidity.   I don’t recall the last time that I quit smoking making me very scatter-brained  and going through some pretty good mood swings.

I just wanted to apologize for not writing a whole lot at the moment.  My goal is to be away from tobacco by the 20th of May – my BD.  Wish me luck and when I can keep my brain running in the right direction, I’ll post something again.  😀

Listening and Learning…

June 1st


Dear Journal,

Well, I think my suspicions have been born out when I thought that Felaran’s youngest sister was in Pandaria.   I was working with another squad of new recruits today and there was a discussion going on that I happened to overhear.   When I am out with recruits, I normally will turn a deaf ear to the conversations because they aren’t applicable to what it is that I am supposedly doing there  – I am there primarily to protect the lot and make sure that some of them don’t die of stupid.  It’s nice running with some of them, the more experienced Rangers that actually attended the training prior to signing on the dotted line and getting sent to Pandaria.

What really got me interested was the fact that some of the women in the group were complaining about a certain redhead that just seemed to think that the world revolved around her wants and needs and her absolute refusal to do some of the more menial tasks.   Then the name came out – Morningstar – yep, that’s what I had been waiting to hear and not be too obvious about it.   Felaran is going to be so upset when she gets back from her patrols and I tell her what I have overheard.  I’m surprised that Faendra hasn’t had an accident befall her since her arrival either because her comrades don’t seem to care for her attitude all that much either.  Not real surprising there.  I think that I will go ahead and tell Felaran when she gets home and let her make the decision as to whether she wants to get in touch with her brother – it might behoove him to step in and have her moved to another camp or to get her removed from the Rangers like he has a few others in the past.  Not my decision to make.

I will admit that being a Death Knight at times has some advantages because some people seem to think that it has affected our hearing and our mental capabilities.  I’m sure that it has on some of us, however, I don’t happen to be one of them.   I  know that sometimes people will talk rather freely in front of me without giving it much thought – I suppose that’s a true fault of the living, they believe that their assumptions of a situation are all that there is.  Of course, I know that these recruits talk quite freely around me and I think that it’s because of the fact that some of them are totally ignorant anyway, plus, I sometimes do act as if I were dimwitted.  I think that that I have caught up on all of the gossip that may have been going on with this group when they were last in Silvermoon.

Felaran and I are still diligently working on the farm and with the help of the Cloudhoof clan, our house is very livable.  No leaky roof, no issues with things creeping into the house uninvited, which didn’t happen often anyway, they don’t seem to like the coldness that we Death Knights can generate on a moment’s notice.   I know that’s one of Felaran’s favorite things to do as well as letting me know that she isn’t in the mood for any amorous advances on my part, she just turns up the frost a bit.  The only one that the cooler temperatures doesn’t seem to affect is FuzzButt, he just snuggles down deeper in the furs or gets in the pillows for that added heat.

Tylanlor  Ravencrest 

Too Many Alts

April 29th

What a busy week it has been for me in-game.  Whoa, too many characters and so little time.  Actually, too many 90s and not enough time to get to them all.   It’s a good thing that I like to quest and like to level as much as I do because I think I would have reached the overload long before now.  However, I can now take a bit of a respite and work on a few of my lowbies to get them up to their big people in Pandaria.  One more shaman to get up there and I’ll be all set for WoD regardless of what they do with the professions.

I know that I had my original eight 90s in Pandaria that were keeping me very busy and I’ve since added to that with upgrading my accounts to the new expansion as well.   I will have to admit that the last upgrade is going to take some time to get just the right one to the point where I can take the “free” boost, which is alright too because I don’t  think that will happen until WoD drops.  I reopened that account to run up a warlock and that’s still my intent – having a blast learning how to play a clothie after all of the hunters and death knights that I have running amuck already – not to mention Druids.

I honestly did try to keep my factions on equal footing with leveling and whatnot, however, I have been playing Horde for a very long time even if my characters seem to be a bit neutral on their views to the current “war” in Warcraft.   When I first started playing the game, I was totally Alliance, went gung-ho for the Night Elves and still have quite a few of them that are all works in progress.   With my Horde guild being a Level 25, I do tend to stay within that group of characters with all of the guild benefits, however, my little Alliance guild isn’t doing that badly either with addition of a couple 90s to help out with the stats.

I know that I have had several people ask me which faction I prefer and I really can’t give a true definitive answer to that.   I actually didn’t play Horde until I moved to Wyrmrest Accord  a very long time ago and that seemed to be the faction that I enjoyed the most, I will admit that I had more friends on the Hordeside than Alliance due to the fact that I was truly a stranger on the realm and just starting out with RP.  However, the times have changed and the majority of the people that I played with back in those days are gone, they either quit the game, changed realms or generally have gone their own way.

Let’s see, I have learned how to play my Druids with some confidence in the last month and my Death Knights aren’t the terrible noobs that they once were.  Oh, that grind up to 90 is a bear and I will admit that I was getting pretty apprehensive about leveling them due to the time factor involved.   The thing that strikes me funny is that the boosted characters come in better geared than the ones I worked my tail off getting leveled which is kind of disheartening a bit.   I will have to say that I am enjoying the ones that I have boosted though because I can jump right into things after I’ve learned the mechanics of the class that I haven’t played for a while and it’s been a lot of fun.   Out of all of my characters, so far, I have one that is on the verge of being able to do some Flex Raiding so I might just see the end-game before WoD hits the runway.

I’ve already admitted several times that I am an altoholic big time.  However, I’m enjoying the game the way that I want to enjoy it, questing, working on professions, girding my loins to do LFR and LFG stuff plus running on the Lost Isle.  OMG, the Lost Isle – nobody told me that my Death Knights would go nuts out there and do things that I didn’t know they could do.  It doesn’t matter what race or faction – Death Knights are bonkers.  My hunters tend to take the easy approach of “We’ll get the gear eventually” and they take their time going through things, however, the Death Knights – whoa, they just seem to get out there and decide that they may not have the gear that they should and they’re aren’t leaving until they get a few pieces at least.

I know it used to really bother me when one of my characters bit the big one.  I would feel like I was bad parent or bad player or something.  The psychological impact on me sitting at the keyboard was awful and would cause me to stop playing for a while or until I had some time to do some research on rotations, glyphs;etc.  Now – well, let’s just say that I go out and if they die, it’s a few pieces of gold and we’re on to the races again.  I finally got it through my thick head that these are just pixels, they can rez and come back for me, kind of like my old VW that wouldn’t ever die – which I sold to a couple a few months back since I’m not driving again just yet.  Soon I will be back on the roads again and I’ll probably buy another little VW – those cars run even if they are broken, at least the older models did.

One of the things that I have started doing is creating alts that I can use to “relearn” some of the game mechanics, especially if I haven’t played the original in quite a while.  What with all of the nerfs to some of the classes, I log into the old one and go OMG, how did I even get this poor thing to level 60 or so?   I don’t know that I will ever get all of the classes to cap, however, it’s fun to play around with them.  I know that some of my RealID friend probably think that I’m crazy as a dingbat, however, I do play solo quite a bit and like to try out different races and different classes, just for grins.   I decided to roll a Worgen druid to see what they looked like and how they differed from my Tauren and Night Elves – it’s pretty awesome, might play that one for a while.

Naturally, I woke up this morning and, is my habit, read what has been posted on WordPress in regard to World of Warcraft as well as check out the latest things that might be making people get their knickers in a bunch on the WoW forums before I start playing the game itself.  I knew that today was going to be one of the long maintenance days for Blizzard, however, woke up early  and here I sit, waiting for another six or so hours for that to be done.   Yes, the addiction is strong and I do enjoy the game, not only for the social interaction, which is minimal these days, and to see what kind of adventures I can get my characters involved in so that I can write something.