OOC – Still Having Fun

August 13, 2019

I will have to admit that I was one of those silly people that sat there for quite a while and finally got the names that I wanted to play in Classic.  I do intend to play a bit of it but I’m not dedicating all of game time to that endeavor because I have too many characters in retail to let it just sit idly by.  I’m happy that I got my original names from Classic and I went totally Alliance.  I honestly don’t know how much time I will spend in Classic because I know how it was when it was current, and I have been spoiled by the retail game now.

I did start out playing Alliance back in the day and stayed in that group for roughly five years before moving my characters from IceCrown to Wrymrest Accord.   I might still be on my original server except for five years I played a male character and didn’t use Voice Chat at all until three days before I left the server and the fertilizer hit the fan when they discovered I was female.  Looking back on it now, it is kind of sad but that’s okay.  My son had told me to play a male character and to not use the chat because it was my very first MMO and I wasn’t all that savvy with the internet back in 2005.  To be exact the only game I ever really played was TSO (The SimsOnline) from Beta until they closed the servers – that’s when I went to playing WoW.   I had tons of fun and made a lot of friends on IceCrown or I thought they were friends until they found out I was a female – no one ever asked me if I was female or male and I didn’t bother to tell them.  How well would that have gone over – “Oh, by the way, I’m a girl.”

Moved as Alliance to Wrymrest and found that the RP wasn’t all that grand and couldn’t find a decent guild to hang onto.  My son has always played Horde and had a guild that he belonged too, so, I faction changed (had to earn all my reps again, which I didn’t mind) and that’s where I have been since then.  It’s been fun, made more friends and just kind of settled in on Wrymrest and I doubt that I’ll move anytime soon.

I’m just enjoying my time on the game as I can and waiting for Corsair to ship my computer back after they’ve fixed it.  Yes, I did get another computer and was ready to donate my Corsair to the recycling place when Corsair contacted me and said that they would fix the thing.  So, we’ll see how that goes and how long it lasts this time.  It was a great machine and I loved it until it just went south so fast that I didn’t know what was happening.  Hey, I’m not a real tech savvy person either – I worked on computers when they were room sized.

I know that I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have my WordPress and WoW to keep my brain somewhat functioning.  Tried watching television and felt like I was going to start drooling and felt somewhat brain dead.  Hehe, nope, I’m a gamer, I guess.

I hope you all are having some fun in Azeroth and hope to see you there.

5 thoughts on “OOC – Still Having Fun

  1. Pingback: The WoW Classic Name Reservation Run | The Ancient Gaming Noob

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