Happy Farmer, Fun Times…Not Homesick Anymore

June 9th

Dear Journal,

I can’t say that I have been happier in a while. It’s nice going back to the old ways of doing things and I think that Naton is happy with the situation too, even if he won’t admit it. Since the Boss got us released from the military, we can actually have a life worth living and we don’t have to try to please some Orc with a grudge against Tauren.  I so wanted to grind him beneath my hooves, however, two things prevented me from doing that – one, I didn’t want to stray from the teachings of the Earth Mother and two, I didn’t want to have to spend the time cleaning Orc slime from my pretty hooves. Enough said!  I know I feel so much better just getting away from that fellow and I don’t have to worry about Naton taking the guy for a walk and only Naton coming back. Questions would have been asked, I’m sure.

Naton and I love the farm and I think that we are slowly making progress with it.  We can plant some vegetables and pull more weeds than I can ever recall having that many.  I think they must just sprout up when we are sleeping – Naton doesn’t really sleep, however, he has learned to keep his noise down to a minimum. I just know that I am pleased with how things are coming along in a short amount of time. We got the roof fixed after my fears of it leaking were realized – I know that I got some weird looks from passers-by when I was on the roof – it isn’t often that you see a Tauren on a rooftop doing thatching.

We did decide that we would make a trip home to see Mom for a few days and take in the Faire.  Yes, it’s time for that again and this time we can stay longer than just overnight.  It’s nice having time that we can call our own again. 

We did get Mom and the boys to the Faire in record time.  Of course, Nahai and Tahfal had a lot more fun than they should have, in Mom’s opinion, however, it was great just having the family together again.  Yes, Naton just had to go on that canon ride multiple times because it makes him laugh because it isn’t often that you see a Tauren flying through the air like that. At least he acts more like himself when he’s away from Pandaria – he talks more now and actually laughs more.  If it weren’t for the eyes, you wouldn’t even realize that he’s no longer amongst the living as we know it.  I love my older brother and it doesn’t matter to me that he is a Death Knight; he knows how to contain that hunger after all of this time.

I know we spent hours at the Faire, eating, drinking and just having fun like the old days.  Mom found some other ladies that she hadn’t seen for a long time and they had a good time just sitting around discussing the tribes, children and how silly the war is in Pandaria. If it weren’t for the idiot in Orgrimmar, none of us would still be there unless they have a nice farm like we do.

I know that I had a lot of fun just wandering around and watching people having fun.  It makes me realize that there are real people out there that like to have fun too.  It’s not all about money, the war and why we are fighting; it’s about just living and enjoying life.  The Pandaren definitely have the right philosophy in that regard.  Family is the reason we fight – to protect and to live. Its funny how, at the Faire, people can seem to forget their differences and just have fun.  I know my favorite people to watch are the little tiny gnomes – their quick little feet and the giggles – I love to hear them laugh.  Oh, I know the standard joke about the punting of these little guys; however, I have never felt compelled to do that. I really don’t think that the gnomes are any worse than our goblins; they just aren’t as money hungry.

I know that Mom and Tahfal still talk about their trip to Dalaran and how amazing that place was to them – the lack of Tauren being in the city at the time was a bit disturbing to them though and the lack of Tauren-sized furniture.  I know Mom still talks about the giant rats up there and being chased by one, which always makes us laugh.  If you knew how speedy Mom can be sometimes, you’d be amazed at her age.  I wish I had gotten a chance to see the city before the entire Horde races were driven out – it does sound like a real fantasy of someone’s mind rather than a real place.  I did get to eat some of the sweets that they brought back with them from their trip and Mom is still working on the recipes to see if she can recreate them. I hope that she can get that figured out one day, those cupcakes were amazing and just the thought of them now makes my mouth water.

Naton wants to stay in Thunderbluff for Story Circle this time.  I suppose the farm can take care of itself for a couple of days and it might be fun to visit with some of our friends if they are here and not in Pandaria.  Yes, a lot of the people that are our ages are in Pandaria, which has made it kind of sad when you don’t see them mingling on the Bluffs.  I am hungry for some girl talk – you know the right kind of dress material to use for a real great looking outfit and how to keep your mane from tangling up so much with what kind of brushes to use – I miss that.

I also miss a certain young bull too.  Yes, even I have crushes on bulls now and then. This one fellow caught my eye before I left for Pandaria and Mother says that he is up there somewhere too.  I know the girls used to tease me about flirting with him sometimes because he is one those fellows that seems to be very quiet most of the time, however, he would wink at me and smile sometimes. I won’t write his name down for fear that a certain little nosy brother of mine, Tahfal – yes, I know you read my journal when you think I’m not looking, you little sneak – might get his hands on my journal and blab it to half of the population. It isn’t like he and I have ever been on a date or anything, we’ve talked now and then – however, he is a very handsome fellow, at least in my opinion. I was hoping to see him on this trip, which I still may, we have a couple of more days here.







2 thoughts on “Happy Farmer, Fun Times…Not Homesick Anymore

  1. Hahaha, always a pleasure to read Maha’s journal,,she’s so girly,and adorable ..makes me want to give her a big hug. I’m sure she will find a mate in no time , what young bull in his right mind would pass up a sweetheart like that?!

  2. Oh, she is definitely very girly and likes to spend time with her female friends gossiping like all young girls. She’s in no big hurry to find a mate just yet, she’s just enjoying life and looks forward to being able to be sociable with others as much as she can. Hehe, she’ll find her Bull Prince Charming one of these days. Thanks for reading the blog and commenting.

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